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Levi Crannell OAK FLOORING
Levi Crannell, president of The Little River Redwood Co., passed away at his home in Ottawa, Canada, on Octo- bq 21. Mr. Crannell was president of The Little River 9o._!orJhe past twenty-five years, succeeding the late Hon. F. I1, Bronson, who had heid the office sin& organization in 1884, and was obliged to retire on account of [is health.
The town of Crannell, Calif., where the mill operations of The Little River Lumber Co. are located. was named in honor of Mr. Crannell, who had visited Crannell everv vear for the past twenty-five years. Last winter was the first one that did not see him in California as his health would not permit him to make his usual annual trip.
Mr. Crannell was born in Albany, New York, in 1842 and had_ just passed his eighty-eighth birthday. He had been in the lumber business since childhood, and was an active and lea-ding figure in the industry for many years. Mr. Crannell leaves two daughters, Edith and Jennie, and three sons, Lee W., Edward and Raymond. Funeral services were held in Ottawa, Friday, October 24, and. all company operations in California were suspended during the funeril services out of respect for Mr. Crannell.
Addresses Hoo Hoo Club
A. C. Horner, manager of the 'Western division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, San Francisco, was the_prin_cipal speaker at the regular meeting of the Stockton Hoo Hoo Club, held Monday ivening, Octdber 27.
Mr. Horner's topic was the trade extension work which is being done by the National association to assist the dealer in selling lumber, and he dealt in detail with the merchandising aids in the form of booklets, advertising mats, etc., which are made available to the lumber dealeiby the association.
Lihe This Has Beautiful Texture
The texture and pattern of "Perfection" Brank Oalc Flooring make possible a finish that is seldom found on any other flooring. You can depend upon "Perfection". In modern planta operated by skilled lumbermen, only the 6nest oak is selected. After prompt seaeoning and kiln'drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anJrwhere, it is always in perfect condition. Lcading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
Brand Oak Floori.,ng
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