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Lumbermen Will Hear Red u ction in Timber RoYalties
Football Talk Asked by B. C. Lumbermen
Los Angeles lloo Hoo Club No. 2 will hold their next meeting af the Hotel Huntington, ,Pasadena, -Friday noon, Novemier 7 when Sam Bairy, Assistant Coach of the University of Southern California football team, will be the .peaker. The meeting will b-e held in conjunction ,with tir. annual conventiJn of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association which will be held at the Hotel Hunti.teton on November 6,7 and 8. As the annual football ea;;. b.ttueen the University of California and the Unii.t.it" of Southern California rvill take place at the Coli,"u-,'Los Angeles. on Saturday afternoon, Noveml"t 9' ""a .i'iff be atTended by many of the lumbermen, Cqrclt B"i.y'. talk should be bf speiial interest. President Bob Osgood will preside at the meeting.
F. G. Goebel, for many years connected with the retail lumber business in St. Louis, Mo., is a California visitor and is calling on some of his old friends who are nolv connected rvith "the lumber business in Southern California'
Washington, D. C., Oct. 23.-The lumbermen of British Columbia are seeking a reduction in timber royalties similar to the reported reductions of 4O per cent in Quebec, Sl per cent in Nerv Brunsrvick and 5O per cent in Ontario, states a report from \'rice Consul Netson P. Meeks, Vancouyer, to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. In vierv of the fact that the Province of British Columbia is producing lumber at only a third of its normal capacity and as prices in the past year have reached low levels, a delegation of the leading-lumbermen have requested the Honor-able F. P. Burden, Minister of Lands, to make a reduction in timber roYalties.
The local press rePorts that the presentations of these tirnber -etr ha". been received with symPathy by the Pro' vincial Government in vierv of the condition of the industrv and the government has asked for a detailed memorandum explain-ing the position of the tumber industry and suggesting a specific reduction in royalties-