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lYendling- Nathan C.o.
Wholcralerr of Douglas Fir Redwood
California White & Sugar Pine
If you have never had
Ross Carrier loail ol Fir-Ter Suler Insulation at the McCormick Lurnber Terminal, San Francisco, shozling the manner in which this materi,ol is moaed from the doch to the anrehouse at the Terminal. The distinctizte certons in zahiah Fir-Ter is pocked insure its arrival in, the hands of the consumer in'perfect condition.
The Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. are erclusiae iobbers of FirTer for all of California north of Tehachapi.
J. R. King
J. R. King, father of Everett, Elmore and l-eslie King of Bakersfield, and Arthur and Edward King of San Fran. cisco, all connected rvith the King Lumber Company, and Mrs. M. C. McKeown of San Francisco, passed away in his sleep late Saturday night, October 25. Mr. King rvas 84 years of age and a native of Tennessee. Funeral services conducted by the Masonic Lodge were held at Hanford, at 10;30 a.m., Monday, October 27.
12,000,000 Year Old Redwood
The following item entitled "Portion of Ancient Tree lfnearthed," published in "The New Reclamation Era" for October, 193O, should be particularly interesting to manufacturers of Redrvood:
"A piece of a seven-foot tree estimated to be 12,000,000 years old, which was found 150 feet below the bed of the, Yakima River in Was.h-ington, has been identified by Ar- thur Koehler, wood idenlification expert of the United States Forest Products Laboratory, as i species of Sequoia.
"This ancient wood was taken from a log encountered when a United States Reclbmation Service tunnel was be_ ing driven under the river,rand was in solid basalt believed to have been poured out cif one of the Columbia plateau volcanoes 12,000,000 years ago.
Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.
Main Office: A. L Hoovcr, AgL San Francisco Los Angeles
I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.
First introduced 4 years ago
-row largest seller on market
Largest setler, fastest seller, because b c I t. Guaranteed fi/o or more red heartwood with lN% oil content. 'And packed in metal-bound cartons for good measure.
For quotat;ons andliteratu"e adilress Calitornia distributors