2 minute read
Los Angeles Dealers Complete Reoqganization
The Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Southern California, which started functioning on October 1. have established central offices at 6420 Avalon Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Kenneth Smith, secretary-manager, is in charge of the central ofifice, rvith J. M. Chase as his assistant. H. A. Lake is ,chairman of the board of trustees of the new organization and plans to devote as much time as possible in attending group meetings.
All dealers in Southern California are eligible to membership in the Institute. For convenience in co-operating together, there are trvo divisions of membership: (1) Los Angeles dealers rvho work direct with the central office; (2) members of outside groups with their own officers who work with the central office through their respective secretaries.
The Institute Board of Trustees is made up as follows: H. A. Lake, chairman of the board; A. S. Johnson, San Fernando Distri'ct (R. W. Blanchard, alternate); Frank Fox, Glendale-Burbank District (W. R. Vanderwood. alternate) ; Earl Johnson, Pasadena District; Chas. Curran, Pomona-Ontario District (Howard Shattuck, alternate) ; Fred W. Chapin, Orange Belt District; Frank Olson, Alhambra District; O. H. Barr, Orange County (Frank Gibbs, alternate) ; R. M. Dor,r'ney, Long Beach District (H. A. Graham, alternate) ; A. J. Stoner, Santa Monica District; Frank Burnaby, West & North Los Angeles District; R. F. Wells, Centinela Valley District; Wayne Mullin, Southwest Los Angeles District; Grey M. Skidmore, Compton Distri'ct; F. C. Osgood, Southeast Los Angeles District; A. J. Castell, East Los Angeles District; C. G. Lynch, Downtor,r'n Los Angeles District, and Frank Winship, Riverside District.
The executive committee has appointed the following to serve as field men: W. W. Harvey, field secretary, Southwestern and Centinela Valley districts; H. B. Copeland, field secretary, Western Los Angeles district, and J. G. Dovey, field secretary, East and Southeast Los Angeles district.
State Association Arranges for
L/Ompensatron lnsUranCe
The committee appointed at the directors' meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Santa Barbara last August, which included Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co.. Fresno, and Ralph Duncan, Merced Lum er Co.. Merced, to investigate the plan of compensation insurance as outlined by the Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company of Chicago has reported favorably on the matter, and the Association has recommended that the members support it with their business as far as is practical.
Frederick Pier, manager of the Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company office at Los Angeles, is on the program for the retailers' annual convention at which time he will discuss compensation insurance. The Northr,vestern Mutual Fire Association, official carriers of fire insurance for the State Association, has arranged to place compensation insurance in the Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company through A. C. Baker, vice-president and manager of theit Los Angeles office, and W. F. Snyder, vice-president and manager of their San Francisco office. The Northwestern Mutual Fire Association will have an information bureau at the State Association convention to be held at the Hotel Huntington, Pasadena, on November 6, 7 and 8, where they will furnish information to the dealers desiring to discuss the matter of compensation insurance.