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Los Angeles Ranks Third in Residential Buildings for L929
Los Angeles ranked third in the nation in number of family accommodations provided. in new residential build- ings during the year l9&.
^ N9* dwellings of -every type provided housing for 15,- 234 families in this clty, while'Ne; yo;t's total w-as SgJd} and Chicago's figure- amounted to lg,g37. Detroit was lo^!tt! with 12,151 and Philadelphia fifth with provision for 7098 families.
..T,os Angeles'new $q;ty accommodations last year lvere divided as follows: 53.5 per-cent in apartments, 34.g per cent in single homes and 11.7 per cent in two-family residences.
'W'. 'W'. Martin Presented With Hoo Hoo Emblem
_ W. W. Martin, one of the most active members of the Tom A. McCann Hoo Hoo Club, McCloud, Calif., *u, honored at a recent meeting of the club held prior io his departure from McCloud. A Hoo Hoo embleir engraved in wo.od was-presented to Mr. Martin bv A. C. Ger-licher, president of the Club, and C. B. Davenev ind H. C. Bradon. past presidents of the club, also talked on Mr. Martin's efforts for Hoo Hoo, the club and the ,communitv.