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How Lumber Looks

The lumber industry during the week ended October I showed production 65 per cent, shipments 68 per cent, and ne'iv orders 68 per cent of the corresponding week in 1929, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations.

During the week ended October I, 5L4 mills produced 2I7,ffi,W feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined; shipped N,957,nO feet; ancl booked orders of. 205,647,UJO feet.

Lumber orders reported by 434 softwood mills for the \\,eek totaled 198,228,0ffi feet; shipments were 2W,857,4N feet; and production was 209,986,000 feet.

Reports from 98 hardwood mills for the week gave new business as 7,4I9,00O feet; shipments 9,10O,00O feet; and lrroduction 7,623,0ffi feet.

151 down and operating mills in Washington and Oregon reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended October 15, produced93,926,143 feet; shipments r,r'ere 89,068,000 feet, and new business 88,699,707 feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 26?.667.454 f.eet.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended October 15, 123 mills reporting, gave new business at &,955,O0O feet; shi,pments 66,8D,W feet; and production 77,347,0@ feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 149.791.000 feet.

The California Redwood Association for the week ended October 1 reported production of 13 mills as 9,923,000 feet; slripments 7,726,W feet; and new Week-end orders on hand totaled business 6.046.000 feet. 24.397.N4 f.eet.

The Southern Pine Association for the rveek ended October 15, 136 mills reporting, gave new business as 42,277,000 feet; shipment 38,352,000 feet; and production 33,670.000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totale<i 6f1.058.00O feet.

Northwest Lumbermen Look Over Lumber Situation in Southern California

A committee from the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, including C. G. Kinney, Clark & Wilson Lurnber Co., Linnton, Ore.; Corydon Wagner, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Grant Robertson, Portiancl Lumber Mills, Portland, Ore., Secretary-Manager, Col. \\'. B. Greeley and L. A. Nelson of the Association, Seattle, Wash.; and T. C. Combs and A. A. Kayser, the Association's Los Angeles representatives, met with the members of the Southern California Wholesale Lumber Association. at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, Tuesday morning, October 25. There was a large attendance.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss grade-marking and the furtherance o{ the use of No. 3 common, partictrlarly dimension, in the Southern California market.

The committee also met with the directors of the Lumber & Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles; F.H.A. officials, and made field trips to Los Angeles Harbor ancl residential construction areas.

Hr*, is a product, created Jor tbe rentodel;ng and repair marke4 that is bringing sale after sale to dealers all over America.

The fact that ioints between boards can be made cornpletely inoisible by the Perf-A-Tape* ioint treatment not only assures better, stronger' wallboard construction, but provides sales ammunition that will bring you orders for the finest remodeling jobs.

Recessed Edge Sheetrock* has these additional sales-making featuresgioes added fire protectioa-is easily applied-will take any sort of decoration-all at a price no greater than many taallboards of inferiot oalze.

And now-to helP You keeP Sheetrock sales moving allwinter long USG gives you two oew sales tools:

FIRST-the NEN( USG MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN for financing rePair and remodeling iobs- A plan-simple' workable and free from red taPe.

SECOND-a BIG, NEST REMODELING BOOK for your contractor customers. It tells them VHERE TO SELL_HO\UT TO SELL_HOST TO BUILD-repair and remodeliog jobs. .tuob@.d arolt-Mrb

For conzplete inJormation on tbese tuo sales stimulators ask lour USG sales' ,nan, or u)r;te, utire orp bone USG mday.

What's the use of livin'? It's only pain.

What's the use of lovin'?

Yotr'll love again.

What's the use of kissin'? He'll run and tell.

What's the use of nothin'? oT' l"tl'

Looks like the lumber market, hardwood, softwood, allwood, is booming and zooming all over the country. Looks like it might be just starting, too. I'm not predicting, but it looks that waY' * * >k

Just read another quotation from Thomas Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, that deserves quotation: "ft is incumbent on every generation," wrote Jefferson, ,,to pay its own debts as it goes. This principle, if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world. I place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared."

No,rv we are in trr" *iJrt ln in" footba[ season. Football pervades the air, monopolizes the conversation, takes our mind off sordid things like politics and war. In that way football is of great benefit to the public at large. It gets folks' minds off their troubles. Football is great, both for those who play it, and for those who watch it. ,k >t {<

For those young men who play it, it is far more than a developer of speed, a builder of muscle, an incentive to rapid thinking. It is very decidedly a character builder. It teaches young men the value of things they can use all through their lives. They learn the high value of courage. They learn that you can't be a quitter. They learn the returns that come from an investment in clean living. They learn the mighty power of cooperation. They learn that men and teams who refuse to be beaten. are mighty hard to beat. They learn that it requires strength of character to be good losers; that it takes beatings to temper men and football teams. rf*{<

It should teach many useful character things to those who watch and talk and criticize football. also. It should bring character building to football fans as well as play- ers. Let me offer this suggestion to you football fans out there who are getting ready for the big game next Saturday, wherever it may be. Make up your minds that whichever way the game comes out, whether your team wins or loses, that you will be right there after the game ends to administer the friendly pat on the back and the kind word to the boys who wear your colors. Too many folks cheer the winner and forget the vanquished. Don't forget that, folks, when the final whistle blows at the end of the game. There is only one thing sorrier than a fair weather friend, and that is a fair weather football fan. Don't be a grandstand quarterback all the time.

Knute Rockne, ,tr" gi"al"t of them all, had an abiding belief that football is more mental than physical, more psychology than muscle, and treated his squad accordingly. The first time he lined up a new squad in the fall, he started his first work on their minds, rather than their bodies. And the things he told those boys were things that men in all walks of life can well take home with them. For what applies to football, applies to business; applies to living wherever you find it.

The first thing he ..;"J "io.r. .o a new squad, was ambition, and where their ambitions should attempt to take them. He told them that most of the things they read about ambition were pure btrnk. There is NOT plenty of room at the top, as is so often remarked. In fact there is mighty LITTLE room at the top, only enough for those who have the ability, and daring, and imagination, and energy, and personality to stick there, and they are few. "So far as I have been able to observe" Rock would say to the boys in the first speech, "the greatest satisfaction I can get on this earth is doing the particular job I am working on, just as well as it can possibly be done. There may be easier $'ays to get by, but they generally leave either a headache or a heartache the next day." Pretty eood philosophy for all men as well as for football players, eh?

Then Rock would *U ,n"- lbo,r, .n" five kinds of boys Le did not approve of, and did not want on his team. That. gave them a fine opportunity to catalogue themselves and appraise their weaknesses from HIS viewpoint.

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