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California Lumber Dealers Vill Hofd Annual Convention at Pasadena Nov. 3, 4 and 5
Lumbermen from all sections of California will be at the Hotel Huntington, Pasadena, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 3, 4 and 5, 1938, to attend the 19th annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and indications point to a record attendance. The committees have arranged a fine business and entertainment program.
Registration will be on Thursday morning and the convention will formally open with a luncheon session with the keynote address by John Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant.
At the business session iollowing immediately, addresses u'ill be made by J. O. Handley, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association; Carleton B. Tibbetts, president, Los Angeles Steel Casting Co. and member of the Unemployment Reserves Commission; W. C. Bell, manager, Western Retail Lumbermen's Association and Lu.mber Promotion, Inc.; and J. B. Hall, vice-president, Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
At the Friday morning session the speakers will be E. C. Parker, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.; Dr. Thomas N. Carver, professor of Political Economy, Emeritus, Harvard lJniversity; and R. E. Saberson, 'Weyerhaeuser Sales Company.
Friday afternoon, the speaters rvill be Arthur A. Hoocl, manager, Housing Guild Division, Johns-Manville; paul E. Kendall, Merchandising Ins,itrrte of National Retail Lumlter Dealers Association; G. W. Deniston. executive :ecretary, Tax Reduction Foundation ; anr! Kenneth Smith, secretary, Lumber & Allied Products Institute.
Friday noon there will be an entertainmen. clrrring the lrrncheon, and in the evening a d,inner-dance anrl floor show.
Saturday morning, the Association directors ancl secretaries of the lumber groups will have a breakfast meeting.
Attendance prizes '*'ill be awarded at the opening of each business session. Registration fee for the men is $2.00.
For those rvho want to play golf Weclnesclay afternoon, Thursday and Saturday mornings, fivc golf corrrses are available.
Saturday afternoon the University of California-University of Southern California football game u'ill be played in the Los Angeles Coliseum, also a trip will be made to the Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
Ladies Entertainment
Particular attention is being given to the entertainment of the ladies who attend the convention. Bridge, golf. and a trip to the famed Huntington Library Thursday afternoon. They are welcome to attend all luncheons, dinners and the business sessions. There is no registration fee for the ladies.
Ladies Committee
Mrs. William Davies, chairman; Mrs. C. M. Cooper, Mrs. Paul Hallingby, Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mrs. L. K. I-eishman, Mrs. Paul Orban, Mrs. George Riley, and Mrs. S. J. Hathaway.
Southern California Committee for the Convention General Chairman, George Lounsberry, l-ounsberrl' & Harris, Los Angeles.
Manager, Kenneth Smith, Lumber & Allied Products Institute, Los Angeles.
Finance Committee-Paul Hallingby, Hammoncl Lumber (lompany, Los Angeles, chairman; Ralph Baker, Havrvard I rrmber & Investment Co., Los Angeles; John W. Fisher. fiisher-Srvartz Lumber Co., Santa Monica; Bert NIcKee. San Pedro Lumber Co.. I-os Angeles; Russell Mullin, Burbank Lumber Co., Burbank.
E.ntertainment Committee-Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, chairman; I-athrop Leishman. Crorvn Citv l.umber & Mill Co., Pasadena; Paul Orban, Orban Lnmber Co., Pasadena; Will Davies. Patten & Davies. Pasadena; S. J. Hathaway, Sunkist Lumber Co., Monrovia.
Program Committee-E. C. Parker, Patten-Blinn L'rntber Co.. Los Angeles, chairman: Glenn Mine'. Whitin-Mead Co.. San l)iego: T. R. Hall, Ou'er.rs-Parks l-umber Co., Los Angeles; A. Il. Fjcklins. Ficklino l-umber Co.. T,ong Beach; Charles Cooper. W. E. Cooper T-umber Co.. T os Anqeles.
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