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Progroln--lgth Annual Convention California Retail Lumbermen's Association

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Huntington Hotel, Novem6er 3,

Thursday morning, November 3

Registration 9 :0O to 12:0O noon

Thursday noon Luncheon at 12:15 P. NI.

"The Retail Lumberman of the Future," by Jack Dionne, Publisher of The California Lumber Merchant.

Thursday afternoon

"Do We Want a Stronger Association?" by J. O. Handley, President, California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

"Coming Changes in Unemployment Reserves Laws," by Carleton B. Tibbetts, President, Los Angeles Steel Casting Co., and member of the California Unemployment Reserves Commission.

"How the Price Reporting and Cost Analysis Plan Operates," by W. C. Bell, Seattle, Manager, Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, and Lumber Promotion, Inc.

Forum discussion. "\Mhat Is Effect of. 5% Cash Discount on Credits and Collections?" led by J. B. Hall, VicePresident, Owens-Parks Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

Thursday evening

Barbecue dinner, 6:30 P.M. at Pool. Diving exhibition and entertainment.

Friday morning, November 4

Forum discussion. "Cement and the Fair Trade Act," and "Grade-Marked Lumber."

Forum discussion. "Present Day Cost of Doing Business," led by E. C. Parker, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles.

"The Keystone of the Arch," by R. E. Saberson, Trade

Posadena, Californio 4 and 5,1938

Promotion Manager, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, Saint Paul, Minn.

"What Can We Do to Save Our Economic System ?" by Dr. Thomas Nixon Carver, Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus. Harvard University.

Friday noon

Luncheon and entertainment.

Friday afternoon

"How to Reduce Taxes 5/a per Year for Five Years," by G. W. Deniston, Executive Secretary, Tax Reduction Foundation, Los Angeles.

"Auction Block or Price Control," by Arthr.rr A. Hood, Manager, Housing Guild Division, Johns-Manville, New York.

"The Merchandising Institute of National Retail Lumber Dealers, Inc. Is Your Sales Training School," by Paul E. Kendall, Educational Director, Merchanclising Institute of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, Rochester, New York.

Forum discussion. "Can We Use the Unfair Practices Act?" led by Kenneth Smith, Secretary-Manager', Lurnber and Allied Products Institute, Los Angeles. Report of Committees.

Friday evening

Dinner dance and floor show.

Saturday morning, November 5

Breakfast meeting of all otficers and directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. and of all secretaries.

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