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Ten "Musts" For Lumber Dealers

1. You must believe in the community in which 1'ou live and be glacl that you are pennitted to iive there.

Shirley Forsey Heads East B.y Club

Shirley Forsey, of Eureka Mill & Lumber Company, Oakland, was elected president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club at the annual meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland.

2. You must beiier-e in your fellorv yolrr competitors.

3. You must knorv that yott are it.t men, iuclttding the best business on earth.

4. You must take a personal interest in yottr towtr and its people.

5. You must have and hold the conliclence antl respect of the people about you.

6. You mlrst know your business {rom the grour.rd up.

7. You must know the commodities yotl are selling, the commoclities you ought to sell, and the commodities you are apt to be called on to sell.

8. You rhtlst know the building needs of yotlr community and must feel that it is 1'our personal oltiigation to take care of those needs.

9. You must know something abottt plans aurl specifications.

10. You must know salesmanship.

11. If you are up to par on these ten "rnttsts," an<l you keep a smile on your face, and carry a largc supply of real handshakes up your sleeve, tl.ren you should be a hard man to take business from in vour orvn home town.

Jas. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, u'as eiected vice-president, anci Carl R. Moore, NIoore NIill & Lumber Cornpany, Oakland, was re-elected secretarytrcasurer.

The nelv directors for the coming year are Arthur D. Williamson, California Builders Supply Compar.ry, Oakland ; C. I. Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumber Company, Oakland; Tom Bransotr, Melrose Lttmber & Supply Company, Oakland; G. \M. Sechrist, Loop Lumber & Mill Company, Alameda, and E,. J. I-a Franchi, Hill & NIorton, Inc., Oakland.

}{e,nry X{. }link, retirirrg president. was presented u'ith a set of five solf irons.

Calling On Pine Mills

\A'. H. Nigh, manager of the Pine department of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, and Bob Leishman, salesman for A. L. "Gus" Hoover, I-os Angeles, returned recently frorn a 10-day trip calling on the Pine mills of Northern California and Southern Oregon.

Hello Nancy Jane

A little girl, Nancy Ja,ne, arrit'ed at the home of iVIr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ilarris, Oakland, on September 28.

Mr. Harris is manager of Elliott Bay Sales Company, northern California representative of the Elliott Bay Mill Companv.

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