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"Quality Econornytt
California Pines are the cheapest in the long run because of their superlative quality. Power driven knives can be run faster and will hold a keen edge longer because of the soft, uniform texture of the wood and its freedom from hard streaks.
Pattern makers, carpenters, cabinet makers and all workers with hand tools find in California Pines, particularly in Sugar Pine, theeasy working qualities of old-fashioned "Cork" White Pine. The largest pines in the world, California White and Sugar Pine yield the widest clears and uppers available. Where economy counts, in box shook, building lumber and factory stock, California Pines meet all requirements. Where quality is the only consideration, for piano actions, patterns and interiors with high grade enamel finish, California pines are in demand.
The best of California Pines, precisely manufactured and thoroughly seasoned in a modern plant with an annual capacity of 25O nrillion feet, op erated continuously, the year round.
Everything For Yard And Factory Box Shook Cuttings To Order
PAUL BUNYAN'S PINES are sold competitively in 43 out of 4E States. They should meet your requirements as to quality and cost.
"Producerr of White Pine for Half a Ccotur5/'
Cobbs & Mitchell Co. PORTLAND, OREGON
'We are pleased to announce to the California and Arizona Lumber Trade the appointment as our Exclusive Sales Agents, the
Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
Our large, modern mill at Valsetz, Oregon, enables us to ofier the California and Arizona Trade quick RAIL SHIPMENTS in our .excellent grades of OLD GROWTH DOUGLAS FIR.