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The opal roof-another Richardson contiibution toward more beautiful homes
You u'ill 6nd in this nes'est Richardson roof an exclusive neu coloring-oprl- to adJ still greater treiluty to your home.
The opal roof is formed by a skillful l-lend' ing on each shingle ofthe t*'o most heautrful Richarclson colors in slate, rveathered broq'n and jade green, coml,ined in infinite vartelr'. Applied just as they come from the bundle, these neu' opal shrngles give to )'our roof a coloring like that of sunlight 6ltering throuuh <iancing leaves on a fresh spring larvn.
The RrchanJson Muhicrome Roof
In addition to opal, the )r4ulticrome Rocf rs laiJ tn other pleasing color effects. The rare rreathered brorvn, for example, has proved es, pecially popular *'hen ap, plied in combination rvith other Richardson shingles of jade green, tile red, or black pearl. In fact, there is a Multicrome Roof to har, monr:e s rth everl colcr ---ht'r.c.3nJ to l'lar:r
The ne*' colors, opal and s eathered aroq n, are used only on the Rrchardson SuperCrant Shia.'1,' t.rmor)i i,r it. h',rrrtv anJ enJurance. Wrth rts inncr foundatron of Rr;harJson telt. tbr ti::v vr'.irs re.-ognr:tJ ,rs the l'est ; rl "r.'J and satrrratecl s rth \':skalt, rf .' ..',','-...^.-"..i,1 archrtects anJ I'urlders. are creailng an d;tl!a .lemanJ fbr Rrchardson rcoting rn 1'our lcalttv. .{nJ the RrcharJ-.on Resaie Plan ts mrk:ng pro6ts :cr thougr.Js of R:charilscn de:icrs by grvrng thern the .lrrect beneits o: lhis aJ ertts' rng. \\'rrte tor Jctrrls or thrs plln :or vour terrltor\'.
,, "--'-'^^ri^,, ,,^ a. -,,ru vy'! t \i|! 1''.,'..,'^ rle \"or.(l'.nt :^ -..-^ L--.,.,. ior vour roof. Rr;harJson \lultrcromc D.-^.- ^-- -,..-1t.. ^- -.,.1 (.tud,'\ |r.'\!,-.:. rcr ne w or o\'.r,the,oiJ,rml inl-r { ., I r.-m:m F,'r 'nr ,-..,-"' r^,.;',.' .r> I rr:rr ,< ^ o. -L-, I -_-^-^t,,-r,, lruur,!!
Wrtte t'or our neu'boo\Iet \\'e q'rll senJ loit our neB boc'xiet, Roo:s o: f)rs!ln;t:or. t,-!c:hcr rrrth samlles ot R:chrrJ.on S':li:.( i:,::: SI^.:nilcs rn o;:'. uea:LereJ :rorvn anl othar ;olors.
Q6zucnnnosoN coMPnNY
Lockland (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Chrcaqo Net'\'r'tk Cit) ilNS Frsir blJr'\ Ne* ()rleans .{tlanra Dallas
J r,r r. \ ll. -:: \ 'r. ,'( . .\t' I- '
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Tire<,,', grraterthrc(ne:roiRrcna'dso"
Vu/rrc'ome Roo/. nJJs i.ea',ry 'l textwe unJ reotr of enJuronce. Clotely qerIapprng -sla,te,lla|es /r.rrher protect thc itilrd] Vrrkrl( - \JtsrateJ FcJc 4gdln\a u'eathet ond fire hazards
Actile sellirrg help .{Jvertisements hke thrs ap, pearrng stcaCrly' rn the Lrtcrarl' Drrlest. Holrse rn.l LlarJen, House Beau:r;ul and also rn the national maga:ines oi contractors,
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1.,.:: I : : r.', {:rr.:r.tri.rl i., {::. r:.I K s:., S.it lr:,-