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We found Laminex panels used for boat bottoms!
-waterproof cemented, yes, but who would expect door stoclc to witlutand such a testl
An executive of our company stopped off at Shreveport ) recently to see the Allen Manufacturing Company, makers and distributors of doors.
"Here are some remarkable tests that have been made of Laminex doors," he told them. "But," said Mr. Compton, of the Allen Company, "we've done some testing ourselvis," and then he proceeded to show these sectional boats with bottoms of Laminex three-ply panels. They had been in use for over a year-in water part of the time, then left out in the Louisiana sun to dry. Careful examination showed no evidence of checking, peeling or separation.
_. We don't reommend Laminex dmrs or panels for boat comtructron. .lney ore built by our special pr@es with Laminex waterpmf cemeng, soas to overcome warping and other dmr faults, but this uneioected use lurther demoretrates how Lamind @nstruction will withstand ex6osure for which it was never intended_ Laminex suc-cessfully_ applies the principle of lamination to s moderdte- prlce,d@,r. uut Iurther, Laminex_ stands up in climates which make trouble ror all other types ancl makes ot d@rs.
W9 build l:minex dors of selected old-growth Douglas fir, either flat grain throughout or with vertical grain stiles a-nd rails, Every Laminex dmr bqrs-our gold label replacemmt guarantee. This means a n€w dmr for any that fails. Leding jobbers everywhere *ll Laminex dors. Ask for omplete calalog or wrlte us.
The Wheeler, Osgood Company
Tacoma, Washington, "The Lumber Capital ol Arerba" oulcs vtLci. Gt| twanu1ac.urers o! Chkogo, tiemphi", Il*ltlE|fl - ;/,x/;o,, Loi Ansei*. li![nil Dougias Fi-Doors and, San Frarcisc6, Spohane r rr J6rl