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1r Mil amous for Their "Upp ls
,T.ACOMA and Tacoma Dstrict sawmills and planing mills are constantly I able to supply complete shipments of bundle uppers such as slash and' vertical grain clear fooring, and slash grain ceiling and drop siding. Slash grain intdrior 6nish and trim are specialties with many of the mills.
Vertical grain fir fooring, carefully selected and well machined, is an exceptionally good product particularly for porch and veranda foors. In fact certain items of Tacoma-madc 6r uppers are frequently used for exterior work in the Middle West and the durability of this excellent, reasonably-priced wood is fully demonstrated by the great satisfaction it gives there.
Tacoma and Tacoma District mills have excellent shipping facilities and frequently can load mixed cars of euch itemg as interior trim, mouldings and shed uppers.
Put your requirementt up to Tacona. Write nou for a free copg of a 60-page fullg illudrated book giving authentic factu about Tacoma't ltmbct ind,ustry1 ond. list of monufocturerc with their tpecidties. To haoe gour inquifies reach the entire lumber manuf acturinq intereatt of Tacoma and Tacomo District' write or wire
It is just as important that lumber re;eive proper care before it is put into the kiln and after it hag been dried, as it iJ to operate the dry kiln properly.

A cooling
The correct seasoning of hardwoods to meet the climatic conditions of Southern California, is but one of our successful efforts to serve our trade efficiently.