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HE "days of '49"--4OLD!
But the hardy fornrne huntersof '49 found another resource more valuable than the precious yellow metal that came from the California Sierras.
With the discovery of. GOLD came the need for shelter, while men wrestled the gold' en ore from the mountain sides. They found massive fallen logs in those mountain forests that had been on the ground for many years. The wood was still sound. This evidence of durability led those shrewd miners to use the wood for their rough cabins.
Many of these miners' cabins (with the typically C,alifornia sugar pine shake roofs) still stand-unpainted and unamended.
Notwithstanding three,quarters of a cen' tury of exposure to storms, deep snows,below' zero winter temPeratures, and the bla-qing hot sun and desert,dry winds of summer, these cabins remain-a wood durability test almost beyond conception.
but for their beauty as well. There are good reasons why California White Pine and California Sugar Pine are favored woods for the exterior finish of the fnest homes. These soft,tertured, clce, even. grained woods cut easily vrithout splitting, aseuring sharp lines and clean-cut edges that 6t snugly<n exacting requirement in doors, porch wor\ cornices and siding.
California Pines, when propedy searoned, are rn, usually free from twisting and unrping-they "stay put." Being especially free from end shrintage, sid. ing seams do not opsr up. The ability of thtre woods to hold nails eght elirn{nates 'unsighdy drip pings from rusty nails.
The light,colored, smooth, satiny surfac€s of California Pines are economir:al to paint. They require fewer coats--a saving of tine and materhl. Being I unusually free from reghous substanceEqrf,ich hevea tendency to"cook out"in the hot eun, thcse qroods retain beautiful fnishes without dilcoloratinr
California Pines meet senrice,&mands-for shd. ter, econoi:ry and beaury.
The Cabhs of '49-the Matsions of"24
Miners used these C,alifornia Pines for shelter alone; gold, not beauty, was their quest. But today these woods are favored not alone for their durability,