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":":'H; LUMB E R ME RC TIANT -.?SS- 11all lackDionne,publxhu **"-
Mgr. sa,n Freocrrco ornco J. c. Dionnc, r. E. MARTTN i"";;;;l ,.-. or Grifonrr
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How Lumber Looks
Confidence and Optimirm.
Two big words and mishty big fac{orr in the prercnt rituation.
A btc ded war clored on the 4th of thir mon$, whcreby tfris country, byevsnrf,elming vote, hired Cdvin Coolidge to rucceed bimrelf for four more yeNrt.
lmmediately after tte elec-tion a change war noticed. Everyone dirplaved a rettrned confidence that argued f,or better timer in a very rhort time. Tbe reaction in the wholeale lumber businerq and tbir opinion ir conceded by real authoritier in tte gane, ha. been a quickcned denand for general rtocks, and a healthy dffcning on price lirtr. That doee not mean that lumber har iumped rky high over night, or ttat ttere ir a rhortage of rtoc&r. It nerely meane that ttre very unratirfactory conditionr prevailing for two weekr before the election heve bccn changed and that dealerr are taking a much diffcrcnt attihrde towardr reetocking.
In tihe routhern part d the state thc large dealen have come into tihe buying market, rtronger than ttrey beve for three rnonthr part. Country yardr have placed a gratifying number of ordere in tbe la^rt weck
On the of the 14th" a prominent San FrancLco dealer caid:
"The nrarket up here ir much atronger and looLr very good to ne. Thcre L mch lcll hbcr bAg nlnfrcqfgd accotmt of thc heavy wcdhcr tbc nifL ere btviryr qrc{trt in Southem Or"g"- Thir xoold ruggqt hthcr Fic? 6rn tbe advancer of froE one to thtcc dolbrr tf,et hrvc lhadt gone into efiGct Uppcrr trc vcry tcrrccr Gcfrg !ry dvanccd $l.OO, No. 3 Vcrticrl b W t[rc dotrr+ S ru weak, but the rhinglc riturtion L Lcttcr, PdEa tl fiftcca to hrcoty-five ceatrhighcf. Wc erc bchg oficrcd g:ncroo. buriaes for delivcry dtcr Juuy llt (irvcotory)' bd are dcclining ell nrch cdcrr. C;mo rrc rry) a lhong dolhr, and ft it wcre not for thc *porching holidryr end rtoc& i*hg, I would look for e fuLcr tro dollar advancc."
Shipmeotr et tor ADcdc. Hrrbor' to the night of thc 13t\ wcre 5O,(XX),(X)O fcct, toud nrmbctr. Thc rveeh prcvioua h.d bcco e hcrvy ooe, thirty-t[rcc boo h dl bciog rcportcd rt 6L porG, Tf,c brflding pcrnitrin Lor Aqrilcr iditrlc e tra dlo dollar nonth.- To the DigLt of rhe l2tL Sct ffilcd dac to hets of thet enod.
Thc Wst Corrt Lrnbcrm'r ArlocLfin ndcr * reported e urcclCr cd of 97 nillftn fccr' rlf, dB bf'lE millio. Clqcr to r brhncc 6.n [a trc a &GG tGGb prcviqrr.
The Califcaira Redvood Arodlin tcpoib relc. of 6 million end r qil of 7 nilioq fc rtc tG.L fF vou