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Successful Concatenation Lt Los An$eles
A good number of Los Angeles Hoo Hoo, together with a larie delegation of out of torvn members rvho had been in atiendan& at the convention of the state association, attended a decidedly successful Concatenation, at the Elite Cafe, Los Angeles, -on the night of November 8th.
The meeting was called to order by Vicegerent Snark Frank Curranl at eight o'clock, this being follorved immediately by the cerimonies of the initiation.
Eight -Kiti.tt. had their eyes opened to the mysteries of Hoo Hoo land. Thev rvere:
Wm. P. Jackson, Sin Pedro l-umber Compan;-, Whittier.
E. A. Griffin, llammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles.
L. E. Foster, Patten & Davies, Los Angeles.
L. A. IJrtasun, Fred Golding Lumber Comparry, Los
D. A.
E. A.
R. H. Angeles.
Douglas, Milln ork Institute, Los Angeles. Adams, Millwork Institute, Los Angeles. Raphael, Jr., Southern Calif. Hardwood Co., Los
G. C. Roberts, Peoples Lumber Co., Fillmore.
Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo to Hold Concatenation
The newly organized Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo District will hold their first Concatenation on the night of Tuesday, November 18th, at San Bernardino, according to notices that have been sent out to all olcl Cats and prospective members in the San Bernardino, Riverside districts.
A large delegation of Los Angeles Cats n'ill jottrnel' to the valley town on that night, taking their Nine lvith them, to put on the work for the nerv district-
A. B. (Red) McAlpine, of E. J. Stanton & Son, was chairman of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club luncheon on October 30th.
There was a good crowd, in fact the attendance at these meetings is larger each week.
Mr. Ivan Kelso, Associate Counsel for the Automobile Club of Southern California, made a splendid talk on the rvork being done by this immense body, now numbering about 140,000 motorist members.
There was a general discussion on the various scheduled Hoo Hoo events, and the meeting was closed rvith some very good instrumental music, provided by the chairman.
There was one reinstatement.
Frank H. Burnaby, Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills'fhe nerv Nine officiated in a manner befitting veterans at the game, and the Ritual rvas carried out with an impressivJness and dignity seldom seen at a Concatenation. Frank Wise acted as Senior Hoo Hoo, B. W. Bookstaver rvas in the Junior position, J. J' RSa, Boium; Andy-Dono' van, Scrivenoter; J. C. E'ttis, Jabberwock; J. A--Thomas, Arcanoper; Melvin G. Coe, Cuitocation ; and Paul Hallingby, Gurdon. - Many n€w stunts rvere uncovered in the Ju-nior work, under lhe direction of Herman Rosenberg as Chbirman of the Entertainment Committee, assisted by Cappy Slade. Walter Best. Ed. Culnan and T. L. Stearns. They kept the poor candidates stepping high "over the sands," until elev-en it. 1,t., when a buffet-supper rvas sen-ed to the entire gathering.
- It u'aJone of the best Concatenations ever held by the Los Angeles District, and tvas s'ell lvorthv of a larger attendance.
Delightful Dinner Dance Given by Los Angeles HooHoo
The night of October 30th rvas one long to be--remembered by lhe Los Angeles lumbermen. an4 their ladies. who attendei the dinner dattce at the \-ista Del Arroyo Hotel, Pasadena-
There lvere about one hundred and seventv-five in attendance. This is by far the largest gathering at an.affair of this kind in Los Angeles. and J. J. Rea, general chairman of the party, rvell desen ed the thanks and commendations that rvere shorvered upon him.
The presiclent of thi Club presi<led. During the dinner there rvas a very fine.entertainment Program. arra-nged_ b1' Jimmie Chase, and made up entirelv o[ "home talent." - Mr. Charles Eade, of the llal'rvard Lumber & Investment Company, gave a cornet solo, accompanied by his brother, Thonipson Eade, of the same comPany. I-a-ter, I\{r. Thompson-Eade gave a "Piano-Logue" lvhich u'as fine. Don C. Esslev. rvith A. L. Hoover, rendered a baritone solo, and Ilf r. -Paul Kent, of the Hayward Company, sang several numbers. Paul has a very beautiful tenor voice s'hich has been heard a number of times orer KHJ radio.
The Scrap-Iron Trio sang t$'o numbers. Thisgroup is composed of Jesse James, Emmet Dalton and Al Jgtry1gt, mert- who have been going under the names of Eddie Houghton, Don Essley and Percy Yost in Los An_g_eles.
After introductions 6f the immediate Past Snark Herman Rosenberg, Supreme Gurdon David Woodhead and Past Snark of the lJniverse E. D. Tennant, the orchestra took charge of the party, playing until midnight for the dancers.
It was a wonderful oartv.