4 minute read
California Retail Lumbermen's Association Annual Convention
Asserted most successful in history. Many excellent features. Directors to meet at Bakersfield November 18th. Santa Barbara wants next Convention.
A. B. Wastell to withdraw.
One hundred and tlventv-three d.elegates responded to the givel. in the hands of President C. W. pinkerton, Whittier, at the opening of the trriday morning session of-the Annual Convention of the Califor- nia Retail Lumberrnen's Association, at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles. November 7th.
In the opinion of many of the state's most prominent retail lumbermen lvho were in attendance. from a stand-point of educational and informational matter that was pr,esented, this was the most interesting and successful Convention that has yet been held by the Assoclatlon.
All of the scheduled talks were p-resented, each being presented by the speakers as given on the prog'ram, with the exception of the discussion that was to have been led by Mr. C. G. Bird of Stockton, he being unable to attend meeting. A telegram tvas read at the open- ing session as follows:
C. W. Pinkerton,
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles,
New Board Of Directors
Southern District
Hoff... .....San Diego
Gibbs.... .....Anaheim
Chapman. ..Santa Ana
Pinkerton. ...Whittier
Stoner... ......sawtelle
Fickling. Long Beach
Curran. .....,.Pomona
\Vhite. ......Riverside
L. Fox. ......Glendale
Davies... ....Pasadena
L. Boyd. .......Santa Barbara Bonestel. ......Ventura
I Hayward. ......Los Angeles
Hallingby. Los Algeles
Northern District
Oscar Miller ....Sacramento
E. T. Robie. ..Auburn
Elmore King ...Bakersfield
F. I)ean Prescott. ....Fresno
Frank Wright ......Porterville
M. A. Harris ..San Francisco
E. M. Tilden .Oakland
George Waddell ...Alameda
C. G. Bird. Stockton
Harry Fuller ....Lodi
George lfeissner. .......Lodi
C. H. Griffen, Jr.... .....Santa Cruz
San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 6, 1924.
Have just returned to my office after ten days Coolidee countv campaign and find it impossible to attend convintion. R'eeret thi-s exceedingly as I planned on being with you. Ilowever, the-county, state and national results mo-re than ofrset my disappoiritment. Ail looking forward to four or five years of unpiralled prospeiity. --
C. G. Bird.
The discussion on Costs and Profits at the Friclav session was a highly enthusiastic and b,eneficial event.' Sam T. Hayr,r'ard, Francis Boyd, F. Dean Prescott and a number of others contributed valuable information on these topics.
Friday Morning
The opening session rvas called to order by C. \A'. pinkerton, at 10 A. M. He immediately introcluced Mayor George E. Cryer, Los Angeles, who-welcomed the delegates to,Los^Angeles, and extended the hospitality of the city. Mr. Cryer mentioned in his talk that the citizens of the Southern California city were not overly modest about their hom,e town, that they were proud of their lumber industry, and of the fact that Los Angeles was "the only seaport in the world lying twenty miles from the sea. " He spoke of the San Franciscans' remarks on the splendid action taken by $_e Nayf Department in re-naming the ZR-3, the "Los Angeles-" In the opinion of the Northerner, this was a most -fittine name for the largest r,vind bag in the worlrl. In a more serious vein, Mr. Cryer assured the members of the appreciation felt by the city of Los Angeles, and he extended a most cordial invitation to come again.
I\[r. Pinkerton responded to Mr. Cryer, thanking him for the welcome. He then spoke, as follows:
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co.
At Opening Session
"Fellow members of the California Retail Lumbermefl's Association:
"\l[fe have now come to the close of another year; and, at this time, it is well to look back over last year that we may b€tter judge of the future.
"During the past year the State Association was consolidated with the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers Association. and that took some time and effort to get the two organizations working as one. The retail lumber business is past the stage of the old-time lumber yard, which was a place where people could buy "boards," to a place where the Home Builder can get any- thing he needs in the way of building material, together with the latest infor- :r mation pcrtaining to building of homes, and if we as Building Material Merchants want to hold our place in the business wolld, we will have to so conduct our business that we will be looked upon in our communit5r as a source of reliable information 6n all questions of building. Therefore, it behooves us to wake up and gef out of the rut of thirty years ago and take an active interist in all civic affairs pertaining to our comrnunities and establish the retail lumber business on a foundation of confidence and square dealing,
"I believe that I can truthfully say that we all hope to see the time when better merchandising conditions will exist. Still, from the action of some dealers, we would judge that the only ihing that thcy can-see is the presen! and unless we are willing to co-operate with each other, and you might say "act as a unit," this better condition that we all hope for will be a long time coming.
___j'_I,rI"-, perhaps some of you have in your minds the question- "Why an Association?" If I was to stop and enumerate att of tle reasons for an association it would perhaps take most of the timc allotted-for. our program; however, I will call to your attention that which in my mind is one of the major reasons, ind that is the guestion of Legislation. In years gone by the retail lumber dealer has quietly sat in his office and attended to the lumber business. consequently in- a great many instances he has been legislated against. There is no question but that a lumber dealers assJciation of a state-wide nature could be of verv creat assistance in shaping legislation that w6d-d be much better for the lumber dealer as well as the general public.
Special Resolution Passed At Closing Session
That Phil B. Hart, and the "California Lumber Merchant" be given a special vote of thanks for the splendid service and publicity given the Convention.
"I would like to see the time when every member of this organization .would carry on their letterheads the statement that they -were "Members of the California Retail Lumbirrnenis Association" and educate the public to the fact that being a member of the State Retail Association was. a guarantee of honest grades and honest dealings. If it could be brought about f am not sure but what it would be i cood olan if the retail lumber business was -orgar:iized along the lines of the Californirr State -Realty