4 minute read
Here is what one ilealer thinhs of PACIFIC F'IVE.PIY BOARD for
uc,lls and ceilings
(Ertracts from a letter receiued by us from the Pacific Materials ComPany, of San, Francisco).
"We find your Pacific Five-Ply sells even more readily than we anticipated when we undertook its distribution in this territory.
This letter is typical of many we have received from dealers who have profited in handling Pacific Five-Ply. Ask us to send you details showing how YOU can profit in the same way.
"Not only is there a satisfactory repeat business but we find many of our best dealers are those who formerly insisted that their trade was too cheap to need wallboard at all. This is especially significant when you remember that Pacific FivePly sells at a higher price than other boards.
"We have also been rather astonished at the almost con-rplete way in which the wood fibre wallboards have gone off the market. Not only are they not carried except by one or two dealers, but you can scarcely see their samples or literature in the various offices. We also find a very goocl trade from people who otherwise might have used plaster board-Pacific Five-Ply having many of the advantages of plaster board and none of its numerous disadvantages.
"We believe any distributor could make a success of handling Pacific Five-Plf if they go at the matter systenatically and energetically."
being carried on by the Orange County dealers, and reiterated Mr. Harris' remarks that good advertising''paid.

Mr. E. H. Tucker of the First National Bank, Los Angeles, talked on "Your Bank," explaining many of the functions of a banking institution and of the very close relations between the merchant and a banker.
By Geo. R. Christie
He told of the reasons for the organization of the Association, its phenomenal growth, and showed how in the face of legislative amendments which increased the cost T/o, it had reduced the premium rates 33 l-3/o, and then saved for its members an average of. 37.78 on every dollar paid in.
He claimed that the retail lumber risk to a rvorkmen's compensation insurance carrier was what the 98/o'phvsical risk was to a life insurance company, the thing that produced the profit with rvhich the losses of the more hazardous classes are paid.
The retail lumber business could get the benefit of the low loss rate it produces by getting in a class by itself. provided that class is managed by those having the welfare of the lumber fraternity directly at heart.
The Friday sessions closed with a round table discussion on various topics : Cement, Lumber Conditions, Ilest Types of Lumber Sheds, etc.
Lumber Sheds
H. E. Miliken
While establishing a model "Best Type of Lumber Shed" would be a mighty important thing for the retail lumbcrman, ttrcre are so mirny varying conditions that enter into shed construction that several types would have to be studicd and approved to frll thc need.
Outside of the fact that two distinct ways of storing lumber are now commonly used, namely the fat piling method and thc upright piling method, which call for entirely difrcrcnt typc sheds, ttre shape and "lay" of the yard sitc plays an important part in deciding what kind of shed is best suited to the purpose. I know, in planning sheds in two of our yards, we did not gct just thc type wc wanfcd for thc rcaroD that rc did Dot @ddct it pectice[ that particrilar point, a|l thh$ .bciDg.*.f4f+. . ; nr6babty the-mosi ccooomicat shA ;lct dcrilcd for aa sizc suburban rctail lumbcr Fr4 b thc doublc dccl ttpc both sides for tro way pilink. Thit lhcd rhould bc not lcss H 32 lect vide, to accommodatc tcn aad trcotlr foot l|nfi bacl back A low pitch conposition roof ir probably e litdc n economicd thaa a shingled one, but I prcfcr thc lettcr, ar it r be cheapcr in ttc long rrm. Some prefcr to build thcir shcd their sho cornrgated iron, but that bas never sccmcd appropriate to mc.
In a shed of this kind you caa utilizc Eorc qr.cc rh:n i1 other t'hat I know of. Of coursc, you may havc occasion to s material longcr than trenty fcct, in which ca:c you Lill tte ol sidc of the shcd crccpt for very rhort stufi, but raost yar& not nccd to stocA long uplrrs. llowevcr, to ny nin4 thc ideal shed is a double dcck, shed, with a covcred driveray through thc ccnter. This bc opcn on both sidcs for tro-ra!/ piling, lile the first typ( tioncd or with boardcd up sides for onc-ray piling. Hr this kiod of a shed is a lurory aad most of us hesitate to thc additional moncy for ig and in thir part of the country not havc enough bad weather to Eatc a covcrcd drivc;ay a sity.
In some cascs it accmr morc cconomical to build ttat I call "one way" piling shcdg on onc or more sides of your site. While thcre is morc wrstc space in a shed of this t5zp loss is compcnsated for by the fact that the shed acts ar . for your propcrty. A ncv. wcll equippcd yard at Baldril has a shed of this kind.
I rcgret that ve have no blue prints of aay of the rhedr have built but wc bave ncvcr uscd thcm in any of our rhcd r stnrction For that reaeon I hopc re can bave a thorough cussion of r:he shcd problcn that dll remlt in crteblirhilg r sheds of th9 necessary_t-ypgs..fo_r rhich afceoetc pl,anr and sD cations can be drawn. I fccl that noct lunbcnnco in doing cont tion work around thcir plants, do it ln an infornal vay, rathcr with propcr plans and ryccificati,one rhich rc so strongly our clients to usc rhen building honcs"
In discussing ttis topic, tr. For of Glcndale stated that very often made mistatcs in not figuring upon using tin prolrr size in constructing thcir sheds-lsually too lig would not withstand the strain of stocking up to their and tlp!.!e thought it was an exccllcnt idea to gct out scvcrd different typc shcds as standard ondcr varying con
Mr. Wastcll stated that placing thir 5pi6 on the round tabtc discussion ras due to the intdcst crcatcd tions with membcrs whcn visitiag yardr on thc subicct of