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and Panels
type of shed, and that he frequently directcd members 'to yards that had a shed best suit€d to their need. How much betier it would be for the Association- to have standard plans and specifications available to suit the following requirements:
Town Shed-for piling stock fat.
Town Shed-for piling stock on end.
City Shed-for piling stock flat.
City Shed-for piling stock on end.
He stated that he had found in his travels that hardly anyone has gained the benefit of experience of others in conneiiion -witfr shed construction, and almost all discover defects and objections after,the shed is completed, which might have been obviated-if they had had some standards to work to.
, Mr. Wastell suggested that in order to crystallize this discussion, the new board of directors appoint a committee to go further into this subject and work out some tangible program of-shed construction.
The Saturd", h"ii::"d'I"*ntffi.ned at 10 o,clock, with C. W. Pinkerton presiding.
IIe called on F. Dean Prescott for a resume of the Association's activities in Northern California during the past year. Mr. Prescott talked particularly on the cement situation in Northern California and the work that had been done by the dealers to secure a larger commission, per barrel, from the manufacturer. lle mentioned that Southern California dealers were able to sell cement to an advantage,.with a small profit, but that in the North the commlsslon was so small that it placed the dealers almost in the position of being merely a collection agency for the manufacturer. Mr. Prescott is chairman of the Cement Committee. He th,en spoke on the attempted action to modify or nullify the State Lien Law. It is Mr. Prescott's opinion -that the present lien legislation is faulty in places and affords favorable changes, however, he suggests very careful procedure, in the event that changes or action of any kind might possibly entirely kill the larv as it stands. He urged the careful study of Standardization, by all members of the Association, and also urged a closer co-opera- tion between dealers in different parts of the state, in acquainting their fellow dealers of developments in their communities, that would affect others.
President Pinkerton appointed a Tellers Committee, to report on the vote cast for the new Board of Directors. The committee consisted of O. H. Barr, Francis Bovd and Roy L. Sandefur.
Mr. A. B. Wastell, manag'er of the Association, then made his report for the year. In part, he had to say:
This report is designed as a brief summary of the histbry, purposes and prospects of the California Retail Lurnbermen's Association, to serve as a background for consideration, discussion and future guidance of associitional activitios.