9 minute read
MEtropolitan 1718
S.ALES AGENTS arc madc uD of thc bi8gcr factorc in thc rcail tradc, vhich aftcr a ic- "ears 'of scrvice. -iere discontinued. In cach instancc romc "ooa- -ii accomplislie4 but activig cvolvcd upon a few, and a Seriodic lapse of -intercst dways causcd abandonncnt. Thc movcitini tactda popularity and was not truly rcprescntativc of statcwide interest.
Kellogg Lumber Co., Fondale, La.
Panola Lumber and Mfg. Co., Memphis, Tenn.
FinaUv. at thc convention held in San Francisco on Octoter 2E, lgaz. oi'ttie Calilornia Lumbermen's AssociatiorL comprising retailcis. wholesalers and manufacturers of lunber, this crperinent of a Slcnded group of all branchcs of thc tradc was dcclared tmsatisfactory, aid a- re-organization was efrecte4 in -w-hich nembershio was iiinitca to retail lumbermen and the ncw bdy was namcd Caiifornia Retail Lumbcrmef'l Association' the roster of menbcrshio ittcluded rcpresentative 6rms of dl parts of the state, though ouiic scattered. ind buildins up thc organizati'on was undertaken' sb that on Apiil 14. t923, tFe issociation had 86 mcmbers and the directot" lauiched -a dcfinite plan at Fresno of devclopmcnt of mcmbership, putting in time and moncy, aside from-rcgular duea' to achicvc the-ir pur-posc. The incumbcnt was selcctcd aE Eanagerfieldman at that -time, taking over dutics May l, 1923.
In the meantime, in thc southern part of the state' :rn or-gadzqtion of lumbcrmcn'had bccn opcrating for fourtcen years, taking-in a larce group of yards. outside of Los Angclcs' hrown a8 tlrc Southirn- Cilifornia Rctail Lumbermcn's Association and had gained prestige and was giving rcal servicc to its memberq but iti le-aders realizeE its limitations, lnd upon thc organization of the California Retail Lumbermen'g Association as a red Etatc-widc retail bodv. whilc retaining their membership in thc Southern Cdifornia, 2l-joined the StatJAssociatior\ actcil on its dircctoratc aad furnisired from their number, the invduable scrvice of C. W. Pinterton of Whitticr as the prcsidcnt of thc statc association.
Hor her rhir gurpo.e bcco crrrird qt in fecricc?
Henrct Riddiford, Secretiry, Sou. Dis.
A. B. llastell, Retiring Fiekl Mgr.

At the session of thc state association ?t Sa{t Francisco, qqt99"r 27. overtures wcrc prcparcd and approvgd' urging thc consolidadon of-thc Southcrn and the State Associationt' approval wat Fvcn ar the convention at Long Beach of thc Southcrn Assoctabon and ;;;fi;i;;;-rittt.d oo- Novcmber 17, Lm3, wbosc action favorable ;;1;;;1iii"tff; il.t i"t-,rt ted into'an unddstanding-a.t a ilint conference at Fresno, Dcccmber 15,1923, resulting in dcfinitc ac6on to consolidate on January 26, L924, at-Los Angeles.at.thc tinal ioint confcrence of comnittces reprcecntin-g both organrzauona' ano iU details wcre dccidcd upon The EoBt- important waa ra$rng tnc scooe of t25.fi) minimum ducs from aa invcEtncnt lgurc pct yaro ol $zS.ooo to 150,fi)0, which satisfied the south r-equir-emcnts'. arso "oriatia to diminish'income in the north-thropgh- subscqucnt.ad- jri"i-ent to minimum ducs of a numbcr of yards that ha'l pai'l on maxtmuln Dasrs.
-]iiTittii-t-i,l.t*ty 26, 19.24, .o.cmb'rship-.records arc as follors: cariioriiL neliii f,u--ue.titen's Assn (including 2l south). ." .13? 56i,iil'.iic-Jn-netait-iunuci Assn. (exclusiv- 21 statc)' ' ' ' ' '134
Total state assn. members (members t"*-Jtllri; iil
These figurcs werc soon increascd by five new mcnbers in ifie N;tfi;;-'ii;trici'i"a -6""tccn new minbers in ttre southcrn -dis- ;;il-?;;;;"t in-i,o. Angclcs) brought in because of thc consolidad;;d b;a i" tt ipitcciition oi what a str-o-ng statc-aasociation mcant to the industry, thus bringing membcrship to 285 Frds' on March 2E, lm4. --e-;;diid;t'and By-Laws revised to acconmodatc to thc ncw "itt-ii;:-;t*Ut"alStortttern District and Southcrn District titb ;;"d;; i"--iEii" ind ofiered in cach for carin-g for- locd iasucs' Uut unitea under statc oficers and dircctorate for broader problcraE'
According to thc Constihrtion and by Laws of this association, the object is as follows: =tti-ouii"i-oi uris organization ie to provide for itr nembcra r".fr-i"a*&i"t Ji*ice as-will cnable them-to sccurc for thcir busi; ;;; it" T,iii proauctivc"ece and to assist then in obtaining -and naintaininc p-ublic recoenition and apprcciation of thcir polition as commuiitj, buildcrs and loyal citizcns."
Ai orcrioudv fua6d. rrrr!8cocot ru ndr ti6 ltc incuDa bLf;-;ver-tfc dudcr oC nrresa-fttdnel o Iry frt' f9B. -ltfo rorl rar rmdcrtalco ritf prinery dutt of FtdrS Et E4D!F and at ramc tine devoting attcotlm b Yiiti!8 !ooq3 rll tEllDct yards, attcnding mcctbs! o[ ttc F Grfl -dirtrict bbct --dF.' ;hcn.ld oorsiFtc. tith I Dclra8r in dlti.n to lr.dc qditirnr anA aiscudiDr ani woblcor of tft diltric in ttich 6c drb.FciatiJn rnislibc-dbful thus bccooirg b frct I clcrrb3 boop for thc bAl dubl and cocouraging foroetioa o[ nqr-cldq 1rrb. lishinc at intcrvals a tradc bullctin covcrisa bc.t rYflrUG ilIcuELrFoi thi ucocnt of rctail tradc, o[ ea-rrDhrcd orncu' t4 from thc standpoist of ttc bwcr, instcad of u dtt ut iE d thi. chadtcr'frorn the rcllcds ihnditint Thb butl'ain !p roici"ca riac circolation throqh thc |radc D.pcts' b r4ic+ it it -.crt at saEe timc as Eaifcd b rncobca! a[d o(tar lecirtlDt d Jr bra;ch; of-oc rraac. Ttur noa-ncobcn bevc ba lirto ttc benefit of both visiation and publicity, 6orrt! thcy herc Dt- Dot the association on their pay roll Tbc* inrtrocotdntice brc Ui"usnt about a bcttcr tuo-Jcdgc rndg dl thc t'rtdr o[ qc othcr fello#s qoblcms. and nadc cach realize tt.t tbc.c D.oblqry llc coEmon to dt" and nay be bcst lolvcd by cq<pcfetip- T.ti +flucncc bal tcidcd 16 ilininate ufair p8lcttccl, in -Frg qgo[*t about a contact-inducins rtndy of rot oDly oYtricrd bEt rfD |Dq L"-i"aou" qoUt"- of-udcr-tand dth iporcqtrqt ooargdgo of some mcasdc of tradc rburcr and crcatbn of frircr eod clcucr ;;p"dd;tl n nany dirtri-ctr of 1bc rtate.-- SFdd tilc.r !lt! q{p Ua-upon itop"" a-cconnting ana qpqde[t -6c- dogrL'f-NOW. YOUR COSTS" her bcco ctnpbastzcd rt-.tl tlnaa^ -rtrcgat q this aesociation hae beco givea the o4tdrctcrcn of I@Dcr rr it"-;t"d""t&-in-tua. cedpaignr to oErct entirtinglc'clitiqc+ nota-bly in Bcrkclcy-afu tlhc firc, and- dl Pg.liblc .rri.trle h.3 Ucc" si".n to cncoiiagc the wisc isc of rod roductr n6cr *'!' substi-tutes. taracst- coopcratbn h.l bcclr cxmdcd to tDc ;;;a;J--;-;"d"i tonuci stadardizetio la! elini'tbn ql ;?iA-;"&;;"d ui rtcttc"t froovcr, sccrctrrv of Dcpartncot -of Commertc, and paftcipatcd in b-y att br.!c!ce of thc-b{ilding industwa-;diJt"d har'bcco rcodcrcd rcscrd oooouritice ia con-' ;;d,;ti -ittr ;;pilation of [qilrling codcs end 6rc ordinnccr thet i"-Ja ul-i"L to-;ood coaslructid' aad rpccid lctrtioc ral rbly i.nacica bv tte preaident and legidatiYe connittcc dtEiog ttc rca sion of teiislatde of l9iZ2-19/23 -in coaacctioo ti6 ttc GoretDcd o-i-tltJ St ii-ttoue"i 16 naling for itl clarity of crfnce{o end undcrstandinc. capcdally in itr rpccificetion rs b drca d ltdi t"fi;; i"i"t-'"id-ttaf obviatcd-confnrion and coalrolcrry. At this scssion 6f thc legidation tbc ealuc of | ltatc 6!l!+.rg19 q" madc aoparcnt vhco-contrastcd in potcatiaf inf,ucocc ri6 .{rlric! ;;difi-ildi;:- tui tccornition'of tbc Fblic of ttc-gdtioo- d rcr2il lunbcnnctn as conntmity buildcn a[d lotrf, citi$ Drl becn advanced at all tiner by participetion in geocnl ectivlticl qc co--unity bcttcrmcnt; gainihs publi4tt f-or- g,qgfcrrivc ilc.l dF vclopcd by ncmbers; GDcouragi[g ard r!.Lting-tr qd!D-lDrq7' cooocrative -advertising in deily lcttPaPcrr; rctilg rt ltc DEttoiecc for tlc retail firbcr ind$trt by *H'!g rddrs rt stll -"iuUs a"A *tttitat orpriletbnl in-.ll Frt! of-ttc .trtc eod dro u ;;;"t ;i"t .ith o"ur fti.oO", thc dandrcqcn .!d ttolcnlgr ;i-ldbfr. -rn-tlnatc rclationiupe havr rtro tcco lgil-t up-ri& thc National Reail Lnnbcr Dcalcn Arecietitn eld itt osccrl a;d-h";"."""tdca ur nany courtcsict dthout Ding t@rba is it ras rmderstood thet rc tcrt rtitr in our forT.ti!9 ^rrcrrtdr; tlc paciec Bctter Honcr Bnrcau; Pad!,g Ccq-ncdn!.Agyiro'Z Board in relation to traruporation goblcor; Wclua Divii! ol ffc-C-taauer ;a Cotn-crdor Amcrice; Cdft,ruh Stre Qoc! C ilJttt"t*-C"tito."i. gOai"g Ustcdrl- Dcafcn frgodr@;-C{; fornira H-ardtare and Inplcncot Dcelcn Arroc&ttio rnd Crqlit d;."d"6"""'--Build"rt ifch.Dg'c.' ctr Fo- n@nosr o-ncqdqg tuticcedtqc tatuattc con6c6 thit it L b bc-ho'pcd tin-bc more ilosclv cencoted in 6c futrrc to nffirl rqvrategp.- --1t-Dc Lumber Tradc Papqr bavc bcco hdDfut end cerricd our grD-liclty scncroullv and brbught rtinulur ead cooounglocot lDtow!- ltc ionatrucrive suggcttto't'ol glcancd h-l thcir colunog Fntcrnrl let"Oo* t""l -tffi-losu,fr bv perticipcncy b Hoo Hoo ectiviticr -b "Il th"*-varica rcUtofthipr ditin-thc emcLtion .d iq "tf"tEt"nit", thclpctlo".I ctiocot of ofi- ccr-' dIGGtor c *afi has bcco subordilstcii b thc areocjation ttich h'r bcco FlAi8ca and nadc the romincot featurc. Too ofu tfc opporlc p4r.y bas rceultcd in-cliquce and panirea Dolidcr qclqllin11-lto@d r! individuaf to ttc dctrimcot of thc esciltbo itrclL Ttit erloctrton ii-tnsulatty frec from diqucr .d- froo +oEF et rclEtr lgsraldizcmenL fts lorl c.! bc c.rricd o .nrl corer1po EqFDCC: Eve of stafi pcrgonlcl, dth thc loyal lqpct rld @€rtirn of itg ncobcrrhiP
Ar o thc Drospccts for tle fltcc, -it ir -cridcot' ttrt .ttqc ttc new board of-directorr iU bc thc nedftn fq Fognqiag fulag activities. that the degree of support by. 6G rctit lttobctncn of eatitornii. controls thl situation -and will dctctninc rtcttcr rtc aisociatioi shalt carry on agpgcssivcly atrd talg its placc er r strons factor in indwtrid and comnunity dcvclopncnt, or rbrtr bc letilficd to narl tinc ar a preparedners organization' rcady b rcroond rhcn and if agailcd by adverrc btcratt in cithcr onciciat or lcgidativc chtnncls. Evco thc l,rtg fou t nlrltl issoci'ation exiitcncc, but thc coatinuancc of e rtroor; ec{ir: s' vicc organizatio-n-is morc worthy thc importance of thc rctail lumber industqy of California.
, EOW SHALL TErS_Blt BROUGHT ABOUT? By rN_ cBEl4, ED rNCOME_TO_ rQUAL_BUSoef -o1.-'trspoo id- TABLISHED MARCH .2A, t024t fhii means oUtaiiririg -$S.Odo Torc.Ircr yca:. than furnish-cd by mcmbcrship of jOO qucs DaEr8, wruch -provid$ i[19000 annu"lly. lf additional incomc c.rnnot Dc obtarncd, thc altcrnative is to dispcnsc rith onc office or dtspcnsc with managcr-ficldman. rt is out of ttc qucstion to discusc in this generar mcetins mcans !o qtta+ thc- dqsrr_gd goal of oui-"a.i"oii-uii'triii' iiu-tli'rJ;il1i Dy tnc Doarc or drectors and its committccs, but it is wise to havc yo', tte racmbcrs, know somc of the problims thit -confro;i ;u; rcprcscntauves' so-that -you may be ready to give their succes60ns y-our carnest consideration and hcarty sirppor-q ana turtlie-iilarizc t{rat _i:he association will be j-ust what'you-f,;'b;-cil;;6ffifi; it sounds trite but is the iact vori citt-Loost ttri i-siociaiio;iJ lgfTg!:lj]-s!!9rs and do morc than any one irsc i" s";G;i aoccc support m this way.
It is .my judgment^that a much Larger membership can onlv bc gamcd Dy co_nccntrating on a few pivotal figures in the induitrv. wno co-ntrol. Iarge _group8, somc by owncrship, some by group oi_ tanuzauons rn rocariticE that are not well represcnted in our ircmP."*{p: Conv.ersely to the old organizitio;s-tili-i";iird"t il';a utc.starwarts, but- not many of thc ..rank and filc', of thc trade. w-e have tortunatery for,u-s, the best of the "starwarts" and thc bJsi oJ thc rank and fiIL. Thij assobiation tras UeLn popufaii"ea-amoir" thc many, and.a number of country aeaiiiJrrivc-6;;l;;;;lt;E ror a turn m thc tide tgyard prosperity (which GLORY BE. hai now turned, and rnay !!is tidC hoid ai ricdium [istr_""16;'O;; again- risc to cxtrcme high) to figurc on placing ih ortici-ioi-in association membership,_wtrin waianlcd -bi;uffi""J'
"Ii,i"ir.'-irJi sarcemcn, as weu as ordcr takers, havc had hard sledding in many p-a4s of California (and clscwhdre) during lne past ycar to sell thcir- goods and is it to bc wona6rca-iiitil,iiil"g';"d"d;; memberships has not !.cen ug to gur nop".:."a -Ji-riiEal.i;f "i; facq -to note that notwithstandi"f air"o,ii,i-siig situaiioirs aini"l "-", mcmbers. in mapy sections, wc-have niE" -"ei-safi;.-i"'il'il?iiirl cncouraqrng and rnakcs ^the prosp€ct for thc futire. lxcetient.-f"? rne conunued rntcrcst.of our members and to bring in additional nembers.- The spl-endid responsc to thJ-retter reiuesting cilra Iraymcnr rfon mcmbcrs to car,ry- the association ovef this ialendar l9llit. vcrv .satifying _to -all -intcrciiJdin- trtJ piosriir;i'fr; association and this word of appreciation ie tcndcrid-;il--to-t*i rcsponded.
- No3, my- fiiends, in closrp& I qr!, -to- Etatc my appreciation for ttrc -finc spilit of io-oper-atioii ""a t "l*ufij;E ih";--h;;G; ;: cordcd_mc -by oficcre, directors, stiii--ana--mcmU"i" Ji th;--C",li- fornia Rctail Lurrbcrnicn's. essoliation il"id -ni;;;"ivoii"il-" half, sometimcs the situatid-ha;-t; -iil'."n"i birf ift";-h.; 4*y" been a way out, a" -Jttav"-ati-iicn'oi"o;;'.i;;, ";d tfiat-to- b-ring aborit the'resutt-thai ;"utd ;;"C .il-L;il'6rii: sood of thc association,.and again wi3t tti, ;ril tf,i";.hi'il;*11; ar r-repeat the alternitive.thit gonfiotiiJ-tt" assoclauon aB Drc- viouqlv refgged- to, as to raising f-!,croo aEaiEonJ;.;;;;,:", ii:: pcn+ng yrit_h cithdr onc of od aGtri;i;d;is, oi -iirr- d,"i n-J-a gork' !n ordcr to make our cxpenditurli rniici bur p""Jl"iii"6'ii"l In.order- tlrft tltp new_ board -of -ti;";io;;;;t h";;;-i;;-i;ili l*,:$##ff*6iirt"?rq"?ttl[:',*Tjl jiltr;H'r:#ilil
Ei.8gc-r as a candidatc, who _sceki to bccomi-ifr'xtr-t-" "-r-d-iii ti takcn for grantcd as j r-cgutii *"-cnoii'itirry,-i- *"T']oi ii f ffi ,l]*.ry,*1?;'F::**t*&.,*:{.;ii*;i?.sj**pll!1_tr. of my purposi !9 rctira at ruitr-ia?ry datc as irriu EJ?": tctrarncd upon a! nutually agrccable; and n5v in Uis-ny .75;; lgg': _f__.iS!t_ ;zo gr ^or_r9_ a4d_ all H EA LT H, HAPPI NES S, pRO S- PERITY AND LONG LIFEI
It was moved and carried that Mr. Wastell's report, as a whole, be approved
Santa Barbara members urged the new Board of Directors to select their city as the next Convention City.
The Resolutions Committee was then called upon. They offered the following resolutions, all of which were adopted Dy unanlmous vote.
A feature of this session was a miniature "extra" edition of the "California Lumber Merchant," containing Mr. Pinkerton's open-ilg speech in full, and a complete-list of the registrants. Many compliments were passed on the issue.
President Pinkerton called a luncheon meeting of all officers and directors, at the Jonathan Club.
The formal Convention closed at noon, Saturday.
Election of Directors

The tellers committee report was heard at the special luncheon meeting, on Saturday afternoon. Results 6t tne vote are given on the opening page of this report.
It was decided to hold the first Directors meeting at Bakersfield, at 11 A. M. on November 18th. Notices"are being mailed to the new Board, to this efiect.
^ It would not be fitting to close a report on this splendid C-onvention, without so-me special remarks on thi very efficient and endless work performed bv the Southern Dij- trict secretary, Henry Riddiford. This gentleman has been grv_en credit, in a large measure, for thE splendid program and for the smooth functioning of every ditail of the-twoday affair.
M. A. Harris Re-elected Director
"Old growth Ycllow Fir Uppcn, Whitc Pinc Commonr and Red Fir Clean arc our epecidtier. Phonc ut your inquiricc.tt
1110 Ccntrrl Bldg. - TUckc tOZ4