2 minute read
permits us to carry in stock a greater volume and variety of stoclc than ever before, and to handle it with greater efficiency. Your trade demanded the cnlarged quarters and now our increased facilities are at your service.
A young lady from Wilmington, Of the high cost of living was Said she I suppose f can save on my clothes, I don't care a whoop what the helaware.
'BUSINESS is BUSINESS" the Old Man said, "It's warfare where everything goes, Where every act that pays is fair And all whom you meet, are foes. ft's a battle of wits, a heartless rushIt's a tearing, wearing fight; ft's a trick of the strong to win from the weak, With never a thought of the right."
And he schemed and he fought and he pulled men aside, While the world in contempt looked on; It buried him deep 'neath the wedth that he claimed And covered his name with scorn.
'BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" the Young Man said, "A game in which all may play; Where every move must accord with the rules And no one his fellow betray. It's wholesome and clean and full of good will, It's an urging, surging game, It's a mission to serve in your day and age, It's a guerdon to honor your name."
And he sought and he bought and he brought from afar, And he sought with conscience clear; While his praise was sung by his fellow men And his service crowned with cheer.
(Everett W. Lord, in "The Nation's Business.")
The boss employed two colored men, and one morning one of them failed to show up for work
"\[fhere is Sam?" he asked the one that came.
"In de hosipitle, boss."
"In the hospital? How did that happen?"
"Well, Sam he done been tellin'me eve'y mo'nin' foh ten days he gwine lick his wife cause o' her naggin'."
"\Ifell ?"
"Well, yistiddy he tole me agin an she done ovahhea'd him, da's altr "
Sign On The Back Of A Ford
"I ain't gone to run much more.
No Indeed
Lady: "Don't you find that horseback riding gives one a headache?"
fnstructor: "No, madam. Just the reverilG"
The Test Of A Uan
"The place to take ttc test of a man is not thc fo'rum or the field, not the market place or tte amco s.trncr, brut * hil own fireside. There he lays aeide his mask end you tr4t judge rrhether he is imp or angel, |.ing or cur, hcro c humbug. I care not what t'lre world EaF d him, wbcthc it crown him with bays, or pelt rinr with bad cggf ; I carc never a copper what his reputation or religim nay bc; if his babes &ead his home-coming and his beftcr bdf hat to swdlow her heart every time she has to ask hirn f6j a fivc dollar bill, he's a fraud of thc first water, cvco though hc prays night and morn "'ltil he's black in the facc;ad hwlr hallelujah till he shahes the etetoal hil* But if his children rush to ttre front gate to mect him, and lovCa owa sunshine illumines the face of his wifc whcn sbc hcars hi! footstep, you may take it for granted that hc's true gold, for his home's a l{eaven, and tte humbug ncvsr gets that close to the great white tbrone of God. I can forgive much in that fellow mortd who would ratter malc mcn awear than women weep; who would rather have Ore hate of tbc whole he-world than the contempt of his wif+who would rather cdl anger to ttc eyes of a r(ing, than fcar to tte facc qf a sffi!."-\f,filliam Cowper