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Outline of Plan For December Meeting of Western Division of United States Chamber of Commerce
The meeting is to be held in Los Angeles on December 2 and 3. The Western Division of the United States Chamber of Commerce includes the work of the National Chamber in the eleven Western States.
In preparing a general program for this meeting, the officers and directors of the Western Division gave careful attention to selecting three problems which they consider of primary importance at this time in Western United States. These problems are:
(1) The Business of Farming.
(2) Shipping Problems of the Pacific Coast,
(3) Reforestation.
One of the sessions of the meeting will be devoted to various matters of business of the Western Division; each of the other three sessiohs will be given up to one of the three special subjects.
Mr. Henry M. Robinson, Vice-President in charge of the Western Division, and Mr. Paul Shoup (acting in charge during Mr. Robinson's absence in Europe) have asked to make arrangements for the session which is to be devoted to Reforestation. Acting for Mr. Robinson and Mr. Shoup, and in consultation with Mr. Paul Claestone. Western manager, and directors Major Everett I Clagstone,)tt Griggs ahd Mr. O. M. rs been decided uDon: Clark. the followiing program has been upon:
1. A geheral statement, which will rather fully cover the subject of Reforestation in 'Western United States, both with reference to public and private forest lands. The aim will be to set forth the situation in a general way, to point out the things which must be done to place Reforestation on a sound business basis, and to suggest means of accomplishing these purposes.
2. For each of the following groups there will be a statemeht of activities and needs :
A. Federal Forest Service.
B. State Forest Department.
C. Private Forest Owners in the Douglas Fir Region. (Western Oregon and Western Washington).
D. Private Forest Owners in Idaho and Adjoining Territorv.
E. Private - Forest Owners in the California Pine Region.
F. Private Owners iir the California Redwood Region.
3. There are three principal ways along which there must be action to place Reforestation on a sound and permanent basis, and for these, which are named below, it is