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Svlvester L. Weaver, President of the Weaver Roof Company.,.has. just returned from an extended eastern trip, during rvhich he attended a meeting of the National AssSciation^of Prepared Roofing Manufacturers in Cincinnati, Ohio, October l7th, l8th, ind l9th, at which he was the prggip{ speaker during the convention and at the banquet.
The Prepared Roofing Association, of which the Weiver Roof Company is a member, has a membership of about eighty per cent of all the manufacturers of prepared roofing in the United States, and its purpose is to elevate the industry, to raise the standard ol the products manufactured and to instill a high regard for honesty and commercial ethics in the entire industrv.
While in the east Mr., Weaver visited roofing plants in the cities of Chicago, Cincinnati. Cleveland and "New York, studying-new methods, and also purchasing new machinery for his plant here.
While in Washington, D. C., NIr. Weaver .rvas a delegate from the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce to the Annual Meeting of the United States Chamber of Com- merce held in their new four million dollar building in Washington. And, while in the Capital City, Mr. Weaver was also honored by a conference with President Coolidge at the White House.
Conditions in nearly all the cities visited by Mr. Weaver are reported good and rvill be still better now that President Coolidge has been elected.
October lumber shipments to the Atlantic seaboard from Portland were 10.087.521 feet and in line with those of October last year when 10,071,364 feet went east, but for the ten months of the present year 114,550,455 feet has been dispatched, valued at $2,9O2,559, against 48,603,197 feet, valued at $1,325,3'14, for the same ten months in 1923.
Chas. Buckley, associated rvith the office force of the San Joaquin Lumber Company, Stockton, rvas the winner of the recent Horse-Shoe Pitching Championship Contest held under the auspices of the Stockton Service Clubs. There were a large number of participants in the contest but "Charlie" rvas in rare form on the day of the contest and was announced the winner over the large field of entries. He represented the "20-30" Club in the contest.
New Saw Mill
The San Bernardino Lumber & Box Cornpany has started the operation of a nerv 40,000 daily capacity mill in the San Jacinto Mountains, near Idlewyld. Their products will be trucked to the Los Angeles market, according to Mr. E. R. Kellam, manager of the company. They have a stand of about 1280 acres, running about thirty per cent sugar pine.