2 minute read
Does It Pay to Hffiie Permanent DuFrig Connections?
'TIHE MANY unsolicited and unpriced I mail orders received daily by respon' sible lumber mills is a pretty fair indication that lumber buyrn$ with most retailers is not a frantic search for bargain prices.
The big trend today amongst dealers is toward sane buying from a small number oi reliable mill sources. Spasmodic local building and the increasin$ distance of supplies make this kind of buyin$ doubly advanta$eous.
' It is easy to see why a lumber dealer wants the intelligent backing and whole' hearted support of a few reliable mills. Most dealers have put theirown local business on a firm basis of reliable ser' vice.They have their own steady cusr tomers'-contractor and carltenter friends who look to them for prompt senice on types and {irades of lumber thatthey have beiome accustomed to usin$- These re' tailers know that to render $ood service all the time they must receive $ood ser' vice re$ularly.
HE viewpoint of the WeYerhaeuser mills on this whole matter of buyin$ and selling will prove interestin$ to the dealers who are tired olhaphazard buy' ing and "unprofitable bargains."
Weyerhaeuser men believe that a mill should be conducted on a basis of serving faithfully a definite number of permanent customers. Thev believe that these permanent customers should be taken care of at all times. This group of mills has been 'working toward this end for many years, putting their organization in shape to render this kind of specialized seryice.
HE personal feeling which 'Weyerhaeuser men have toward their customers is an expression of this attitude. The business received from any of these "permanent customers" is doubly ap- preciated and is given first consideration. If you buy a car of lumber from any 'Weyerhaeuser mill you are registered as a' customer by organization in you. all the mills and the whole takes a personal interest fT will pay you to get ac- I quainted with theWeyerhaeuser method of doing business. Talk to the \l'eyerhaeuser representative in your territory. He will be glad to discuss your buying and selling problems. FIe is out in the fieldwith the express purpose of helping Weyerhaeuser customers do a more profitable busi, ness.

-fE_E EQUIPMENT and machinery at I Weyerhaeueermille are thebeetprocurable. But it also takes men of expeiience to put the life and hum into the machinerv and to make really good lumber. The Weyerhaeuser nills are fortunate in this respect. Dozene of Weyerhaeuser men have worked wirh these mills forfifteen years or more and take great pridein that fact
A photograph of Ole Bratt, qrader of select lumber for the Cloquetlumber Company, is shown above. Mr. Bratt has been with the companyfor 36 years. tlig job is to help maintain the high standardi of grading insisted upon at Cloquet. He knows that irt order to be fair witf, the mill he must also be fair with its customers.
The\Meyerhaeuser rep. resentative takes the time to find out and understand your local conditions. ft is part of his business to do so. That is why he is able to be of help. The W.yerhaeuser man can be reached by letter or wire addressed' to our nearest branch office.