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Kewin Lumber CompanY Holds Annual Banquet
The annual meeting and banquet of the employees of the Kewin Lumber Com-panv occuired on the evening of October 18th at the Hoiel i{ughson, Modesto. Stockholders, officers and employes met ai the festive board and partook of a sumptuoui ripast prepared under the- personal .llt":tion of Jack Beaty.- Attorn-ey T. B. Scott of Modesto, E. C. Peck. Sacramento banker, and Lon Cleveland, famed as an after dinner speaker, made interesting ta!\s. A six-piece orchestra composed of Joe Spencer, pi?!o! H. Bixby' cornet; Il. Downing, violin; I.-Sefefi, violin; M. Lang-st-roth, banjo, and Georgi Thomas, Kewin lumber- specialist, 31-:. President T. g. Kewin had the seat of honor, R. Nichol, well known Modesto news dealer and a stockholder in the Kewin Lumber Company, was an invited gu€st.
It is indeed pleasant to relate that this big organization, due to the faifhful work of all employees and the Kewin policy of a square deal for everybody, has had such a suciessflt year'ibusiness. Seated-at the banquet were: Glen Karnes,-Denair; H. H. Morse, Hughson; Carl Poor, $ug-h,son; D. Meissner, Empire; G. Lindquist, -Riverba"-t i $. Moorehead, Ripon; G.-Tobin, Ripon; H. Clark, Oakdale; Geo. Thomas, -Waterford, and the following of Modesto: W. O. Mashek, manager, M. G. Payne, Geo. Kewin, James Kelley, Pat Brown, M. Larabee, Russell Harms, P. Peterson, Sam Cowan, Harry Paulson, Adam Becker, T. Iverson, T. b. Scott, L. Cleveland, T. H. Kervin, R. Nichol; and E C. Peck of Sacramento.
H. M. fsenhower, of the Wenks Planing Mill Company' Fresno. was married in San Francisco, on November 3rd, to Miss Frances Lehman, formerly of Tyro.n, Pennsylvania.
Fresno Retailers +
Opposite is a group of photographs of some of Fresno's ten tive retail building material establishments. It gives a very good idea of the class of concerns that are catering to the building needs of this important part of the San Joaquin Valley, the part of the state that will, it is predicted, be one of the most important, in the lumber business, during 1925.
Fresno has ten yards, well scattered through the city and the outskirts. Without exception they are attractive in appearance, are well kept, and the stocks carried are inclusive of the usual lines of wall-boards, cement, roofings, etc.
Following is a list of the yards, with the names of the men in charge of each:
R. O. Deacon, Inc., R. O. Deacon.
Fresno Lumber Co., J. G. Martin.
J. D. Halstead Lbr. Co., Hal Baldwin.
M. Kellner & Son Co., S. B. Kellner.
Maisler Bros.. Ben Maisler.
C. S. Pierce Lbr. Co., Frank H. I{inard-
Routt Lumber Co., Virgil S. Routt.
Swastika Lumber C"., J. C. Ferger.
Valley Lumber Co., F. Dean Prescott.
Sunset Lumber Co., W. H. EsrvorthY.

M. N. Salomon New President Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco
-the trademarhed, guaranteed flooring.
Good Business Ahead
With election out of the way, the public has no further excuse for delaying contemplated building.
The winter and epring of 1924-1925 will be a season of continued and increasing activity in all lines, and the lumber merchant who is well stocked to meet the dernands, which will be madp upon him, is the one who will pto6t most.
Are your stocks complete?
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