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San Diego HooHoo Luncheon
November 5, 1924
San Diego, Nov. 8.-Regular Wednesday Noon Hoo Hoo Luncheon was held at the Maryland Hotel Banquet Room, on Wednesday, November 5th, with an attendjnce of twenty-six.
Knute Rinde, Credit Manager of the Benson Lumber Company, better known by his many friends as "BIJD," presided as Chairman.
. Andy Donovan, of the Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and H. A. McKean and Son, C. F. McKean, were visitors. Mr. H. A. McKean has spent mahy years as head sawver for large lumber mills in Minnesota and New Mexico, and is now making his home at National City, California, a suburb of San Diego.
Brother West, of Srnith-Booth-IJsher Companv, Los Angeles, and by the way, a member of San Diego Hoo Hoo, also checked in to let the boys know he is still a member of this District.
Bud introduced as the speaker of the day, Professor Lewis G. Lesley, Teacher of History and Political Science of the San Diego State College, who delivered a very interesting talk on the new Education of the Student for the Business World of Today, which was very highJy appreciated by each and every one present. It is to be exceedingly regretted that more of the members did not turn out to hear him, because it is constructive talks of this nature that tend to strengthen and make Hoo Hooism worth while.
It was announced by Snark Restine that Homer Miller, of the firm of Miller-McDermott Hardwood Lumber Company, has been selected as Chairman of the next Wednesday luncheon, November l2th.
Howard Thompson, popular Manager of the Frost Hardwood Lumber Company, is wearing a million dollar smile' these days, due to the arrival at his home of a 9rl pound baby girl, on November 3rd, L924. Howard, for reasons best known to himself, failed to show up at the luncheon held on the 5th, but the boys will certainly raise the price of the cigar to tu'o-bits if he fails to make his appearance at the luncheon next Wednesday with a box of Havanas.
The San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club
Rod Henclrickson, popular President of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club, has sent out the following letter to all of their members:
Dear Bro. Hoo Hoo:-
Nov' lo' 1924'
Just a reminder that Thursday, Nov. 13th, is our regular day of meeting and we are striving for a record attendance, WILL YOU NOT COME and will you also try and bring a new member with you.
_ The MemAership Committee (Henry Hink, Chairman) is put- ting on a NEW MEMBER DRIVE for this entire month of NOVEMBER and we are trying to double our membership. Just get hold of a Hoo Hoo, drag him up to Thursday's lunch and we'll extract the Initiation Fee of $1.00 and the 50c per month dues will take care of themselves. The MORE mem6ers we get the bigger things we can accomplish.
Big December Stag and Annual Jinks under way-Ted Higgins expects to make a large announcement about this. This will be SOME party. Ilowever, this will be a Hoo H.oo Club No. 9 affair and only actual members of the Club participating, so get your Hoo Hoo friends INTO the Club membership so they may get in on the biggest party we've had in years.
Seriously, fellows, Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 is being watched all over the ciicuit and we have a reputation already established which we must live up to, so please try and get in on these Thursday tunches, bring up our attendance and try and get a new member this month. The Membership Committee are workirig hard on this and need YOUR assistance.
R. H. Carter, of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, will give the prompt attendance prize. Drawing promptly at 12:09, Yours for a Big Year' Rod Hendric.ksor.r.
Business is surely speeding up. $r9 vo-u speeding up your production by using Hi Speed Knrves I
Wp "1" T3klng special Hi Speed,Knives in our Los Angeles )hop rn .Hl Speed tlme.
We _clrry the largest stock of self-hardening Hi Speed wood working steel on the Pacific Coast.
We have Hi Speed Skilled Mechanics for saw and knife service, or for repairing saws and knives. Send us your orders for Saws or Knives .of any kind and let us demonstrate our Hi Speed service.
416 Eart 3rd Street Lor Angeler
Mr. W. H. Hahn, veteran lumberman, and president of the Swastika Lumber Companv, Fresno, died suddenly from heart failure, at his home in Hollyrvood, on the night of the 9th.

He was buried from the family home on the l2th.
M.. J. C. Ferger, partner of the deceased, rvith Mrs. Ferger, cjme to Los Angeles from Fresno, for the funeral'
Dirtributing Agentr for Clark-Nickcrron Lumbcr Coo Evcrctt, Q\luh.
Demprey Lumbcr Coo Tecone, lVarh.
Deiancc Lumbcr Coo Tacomr, Werh. Ferry Balcr Lumbcr Co, Evcrctt, lVarhLitttl River Rcdwood Co, Humboldt Bay.