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Bill DingDinner is Success
in the body and, when tufned on, presentecl not only an artistic example of the chef's skill but also striking proof of the unusual ways in which this trade figure can be utilized.
Shozuing a part of the banquet room, and cleaer Bill Ding figures used.
Or.re of the most striking features of the Conventioir of National Retail Lumber Dealers recently l-relcl at Atlantic City, was the dinner given to some eighty or ninety Bill Ding Dealers and their friends by W. W. Woocl.
Mr. Wood is the originator of the novel Bill Ding idea, rvhich is so successfully increasing the sales ancl profits of luml:er dealers in more than one hundred and fifty cities throughout the United States.
'lhe bancluet was laid at the Hotel Traymore. Bill Ding u'as the keynote of the entire event, The menu was attractively -gotten up on a piece of veneer, featuring Bill Qi^ng at_th9 jgp, at salute. The.centerpiece rvas a mag- nificent Bill Ding cast in ice. Electric lights were f.rozin
Mr. F-inclley M. Torrence, of Xenia, Ohio, cleclared that this movement is the biggest thing that has er,er been launched in retail lumber circles for better merchandising rnethods. FIe also statecl that never before in the history of the retail lumber game had such an assembly of dealers convened for the purpose of studying advertising. He said that the idea should be carried through in all conventions as it was of the greatest value in the exchange of ideas lvith other dealers working along the same lines. It was his suggestion that each one of the Bill Ding dealers turn in the plan of a house recently constructed by his yardone that had been found satisfactory; all of these plans. rvould be incorporatecl into a plan book which rvould benefit all of the Bill Ding dealers.
Mr. Torrence concluded with tl,e motion that a Bill Ding Club be formed which would consist of all of the Bill Ding dealers and members of their organization. This motion was seconded ancl carriecl unanimously and the Bill Ding Club launched with the promise of co-operation from all present.
It was decided that the icleas could be best irrterchansed by the publication which rvill lte knorvn as the .,Bill Ding News," consisting of eight pages at the start. This will be gotten out every month incl will go to all of the members of the Bill Ding dealers organLation. Co-op- eration was promised to make it the-livest exponent of rnoclern merchandising in the retail lumber field.