2 minute read
Cutter Cut LUMBER
LIBBE bth.DL!. b b{t boilui! litM W. qrrt fI anobti$ae of iuhi boud+ ndicim 6 trcritir: ioll El.Dt@ @tr bmE aldtt' lold' inr d.b .!d q otld dtalot latld tLt o ooiclb ud clrply bc iddf.d ir tot D6t Ln
#tb liill. hbf., b.vi!3 rll U! tm u D.!@ 116 lot i! G n rob6. il rho Lrn r ll@ rudilf elb. lc
ML k it Er 8od.t ut 6t !p tla old llooE lil. !d .t ra:r littlc ..d I t4 \ri'ta outdciar .brF c lri.lq au t! ou. dtlDabt to hclp Fo titui ql .h!f! rld tcll td ltc dh
A.t tor oor Dri.a @ lube rd iill to* tde l0a|!3'
Erohara ||6b tor P-rlo &ilbl! li:h6 l oont.ltt ol4tuo D^llrrl rrl rlout om tt. l IlLYloB
Flere is a good example of an attractive advertisement, rrsed by the dutter Milf & Lumber Company, Sacramento'
W. N. Shifilett, manager of the Napa l-umber Co', has returned from a month's-trip spent touiing in the,Fast and Middle West. On his return to the Pacific Coast, he l."".f.a over the Southern Route and spent several {ays !n Sor.tttt"t.t California. He reports that he had an enjoyable trip.
October Building Permits Break Record
In October, 1924,building in San Francisco- jumP-ed.more than $2,000,000.00 compared with October, 1923'. -eyit9jlg ".i-il.'i..,ied during the month of October totaled $6,116'- 'ftS.OO as compared-with the $3,793,374.N f.or the same month last year.
Rubaiyat of Nomor Rentem
Wake ! For the Hour that doth thy soul afrright Hath shot a bolt that puts all joy to fight; And Lo ! Before thy door the Landlord standsA Silhouette that dims the dawning light.
Come, Pay the Rent, and tho' Spring days are fair Thv Winter Garments still with meekness wear; ttre 6ird of time will round the circle fy And bring anothei "First" ere thou'rt aware.
"How large and fine this city flat"-1hink some. Othersl"A rented house doth us become !" Ah, keep the cash, and build thysella HOME; March .not in lock-step to a Rent-Day Drum.
Think, in each stately Caravanserai
Whose doorways swing about by Night and Day, How tenant after tenant in his pride Abode a month or two and went his way.
Mvself did move from this place unto that, intrigued by "WELCOME' on a fuzzy mat, Paid rent for that which I could never own And found the process somewhat stale and flaL
And lastly, by my hall-room door agape, There itood in evil mood a portly shape Holding a bill for RENT within his hand, Alas! He b-id me PAY !-And there was no escaPe.
Ah, then ! I did rvittr pAtn and WIT conspire To change my sorry scheme of life entireOusted thJ Incubus that dogged my weary days, And rvon a ]IOME nearer-my Heart's Desire.
-Adeline M. Conner.
During the night of October 30, fire destroyed the lumber mill and box factory of the Sunset Lumber Company at Puyallup, Washington. The estimated loss is between $250,000.00 and $300,00O.00.