2 minute read
DECEMBER llth and l2th
Your Obligation to Your Job
A Letter by
Mq. L. A. Beckstrom, Sales Manager, Chas. R. McCormick & Co., Los Angeles.
Did you ever stop to think why you chose to work for your present employer except from a standpoint of gaining a livelihood.
Looking back to your school days beginning with high school, no doubt you were assigned to a certain school on account of your loca.tion, and possibly for the same reason, together with environment, you are now with your present company.
. But at any rate you felt your own school was the best and did not hesitate to tell your friends about it; also you were readl' to fight if anyohe within or without the school criticized or ridiculed your place of learning.
The same spirit should exist within your present company and the same wholesome competition should prevail between competitors.
Later when it was necessary to choose the college you would attend, no doubt you sought lhe advice of older friends and investigated carefully before you determined to get your training at a certain university, but after you ehtered, beyond a doubt, you were further convinced and strong in your praise and approval of your Alma Mater.
To be sure, some mistakes are made, but in most cases of wrong choice, a change is made as soon as you realize you do not fit in, you can't do the work or your oppor- tunities are lacking.
But once established in the right school, you soon voiced your admiration, told your friends of the many advantages as well as good qualities, and were always ready to correct any wrong impressio'ns which might impair your school.
The same conditions should prevail in your present oocupation, and the man who continually expresses disap- proval of his company's actions and tries to instigate discontent among his co-workers, fails to show loyalty and is in the wrong school.
DECEMBER llth and rzth
H. B. Gamerston of the Reynier Lumber Companv, San Francis_c,o, has returned from a two weeks' buslneis trip to the Northwest where he visited the company's buying connections in Portland and Seattle. He also spint several days calling on ,the lumber mills in the Columbia River and Puget Sound Disfticts.
()ak floorino
Superior.Brand Oak Floring -is tqllied on an adding machine,of special. design as it passes the checker on a conveyor trinning lrom Drn to carPieces are sorted for lencth as a seDarate ooeration from sradinq. The sorter has adequate time and- facilitiis to climinatE crrd'r in the footage count when assembling bundles.
W'hen a bundle of "America's Finest" is labellcd "9 feet', it meanr exactly that much. You can depend on it! Moreover. no bundle can be counted in a shipment until it passes the cheiker on the conve.yor. His adding machine total is- correct-and you are invorced correctly.
Just another precise method we Dractice in merchandisinc Suoerior Brand Oak Flooring. It is in keeping with the suoerlexcellence of the..flooring itself. .May we convince you with an initial order? .hmediate shipment always I