2 minute read
JackDionn e.prblishffi
Inccporatcd undcr thc lawe of Cdifornia
J, C. Dlonna, Prca. and Treu.; Phll B. Hart' VlcePrer.; J. E. Martin' Sccy. Publlrhed the lrt ud lSth of each modth rt
3lE-19-20 CENTR.AL BUILDING, L.()S ANGELES, CAL- TELEPHONE, VAndtkc l5it5 Entcrcd ar Second-clacr Eatter SGptGEb* 8, 19iE2, at thc Portofflcc rt Lo Angclee, Callfornia, undcr Act of March 3, 1E70.
How Lumber Looks
Mid-November rees a pasrive condition in the wholerale lumber market.
Probably at no time during the part nine monthr have building and credit conditions been ro favorable, a! now' all through the state. Permitr in practicdly every town and city rhow a buildins activity, but the dealerr are not buying ar freely ar these conditione would indicate.
The wholeeale market, in the southern prrt d the rtate, har been firm and has not changed in the palt tryo weeks. ln fact, pricer are as firm, at the pren'ailing lirtr, er they have been at any time this year. There ir no over supply of rtockr at San Pedro, the mill reprerentativee and wholecale men leem to feel that there will be a rtiffening in prices be. twe€n now and the fint of the year, and they are ritting tight, as are the men behind the gunr, up at the mills.
A telqram from San Francirco, on the morrring of the 13tt, had thic to lay: "The Douglar Fir cargo rnarket har rhown a elight weakneu during the part two weelc, and pricec have weakened romewhat, due, it ir thought, to conriderable rtockr arriving. The retail demand in the Bay Dirtrict b not quite ar active as two weekr ego, although wholecalen report that the volurne of burineer ir holding up, and at the prerent time there are only 16 boatr tied up. Lath continuer a strong itern. Mill pricee ere holding well. The rail market ehowa elight change; some reportr that the demand hac weakened duriirs the part week. Rail pgger are holding. No change in Redwood, good dernand. Pine market ir active and pricer holding."
A Portland authority had tbe following to ray, within the last few dayr:
"There is a rtrong rentiment growing anongst the mi[r in favor of reducing production and it lookr now ar though something definite will come of it very ehortly. The extent to which production regulation may go holdr many posiibilities. At the prercnitime there ir a rtrong gentim€nt in favor of a five-day week and several large plantr are contemplating unuaudly long shutdownt over ttre holiday periil. Frequently lhir anxiav to get under cover apreadr io the retailer and caurer him to anticipate hir wantr at leart partidty. With the yardr having rtockr now that are known io be much below normal, rhould there be a general reduc' tion of rawing to a five-day week it might be a meanr-of jarring the'buierr loore from their prerent ctand. While thit ir romewhat far fetched it ir a possibility.
'3The next two weeks may be very evenfful for the lumbcr market and it ir largely a matter of guen work at to what will happen. One thing ir certain' the feeling that produc' tion is too high ir becoming generd and it reemr certain that t{re output will be reduced in some way. What the demand will do ir something that can only be gueered at."
And Now the Northwest Will Advertise!
Welcome to the advertiring fold, you Northwestern lumber manufacturers.
In our last iasue the welcorne news was broadcasted that the West Coast Lumbermen's Association would immediately start a broad and active advertising campaign, to cover a number of years. Enough money was sub. scribed to do the iob right.
So Douglas Fir, that great wood, will finally be advertised.
Ten years ago the Publisher of this iournal addresged the manufacturers of the Northweet time after time, advising them to start advertising, start creating a market for their goods.
Cypress started first. Then Southetn Pine. Then Northern White Pine. Then Northern Hemlock. Then the hardwoods dropped into the game. Then Redwood. Then California Pine. Then Pondosa Pine.
And now last, but far from least, comes Fir. And today, for t{re first time in histor-y', evety great species of merchantable American woods, are being nationally advertiged.
Three loud and rousing cheers.