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Mcmber California Redwood Aerociation


Crockcr Building

Phonc Suttcr 6170


Lane Mortgage Bldg. Phone TRinity 22E2 C^A,LIFORNIA


FORT.BRAGG California

Adequate rtoragc rtock at San Pcdro

Shingle Congress

The Ninth Annual Shingle Congress, the annual convention of the shingle manufacturers o{ Oregon, Washington and British Columbia,'ivill be held under the auspices of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, in Seattle, Wash., on December 2 and 3, at the Olympic Hotel.

The business sessions u'ill take up many vital problems now confronting the industry and plans for the 7926 work of the Bureau rvill be mapped out.

It is expected that this Congress r,vill far surpass any others in point of attendance ancl actual accomplishment, and it is hoped that next year rvill prove to be a very profitable one for the shingle men.

New Manager For Bettingen

E. C. (tsill) Miller, formerly of Los Angeles, has taken the management of the Monterey Park yard orvned by the Bettingen Lumber Co. He replaces Mr. Butcher, who has been transferred to Pasadena.

Loggers Elect Minot Davis

Minot Davis, Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Tacoma, rvas elected president of the Pacific Logging Congress at the concluding session of the 16th annual congress held at Seattle, October 28 to 30. J. H. Meister, Shevlin-Hixon Company, was named vice-president, and Vanconver, B. C., was chosen as convention city lor 1926.

F. J. Solinsky, Castle Crag Lumber Co., Castella, Cal., and Otis R. Johnson, San Francisco, were elected directors for California.

The congress was generally admitted to lte the greatest and most successful ever held. Archibald Whisnant, Portland, permanent secretary of the congress, received a hearty vote of thanks from the loggers for his splendid organiza- tion r,vork in putting on what .ivas declared to be the greatest show of machinery ever seen on the Pacific Coast in con- nection lvith any industry.

Hall Lumber Company Sold

The Hall Lumber Company, Culver City, has been solcl to Mr. J. C. Summers of Omaha. 'fhe name of the institution rvill be changed to the Summers Lumber Co.

PaneIs Doors

M0RRlt[ and STURGION tUMBtR 00.

Portland, Oregon


Hoguian, Wath.

Manufacturerr of tGrayr Harbor" Yellow Fir

Laminated Panele


Hoquiam, Waeh.

Manufacturerr of Vertical Grain Fir Doore

Can Make Prompt Shipment Straight or Mixed Cars of Panels and Doors

Also Fir, Hemlock, Spruce Lumber

Loc Angeles Rcpretentative W. W. WILKINSON l2l4 Inrurance Exchange Bldg. Phone TUcker l43l nelerlrid//"^'W,/!Mtr"W#Hfi

Trees have 8:rown over this buried Redwood for 350 years. But the cut into the old Redwood shows clear. sound wood fit to be sawn into highest grade lumDer,

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