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Pfize Winning Booth
The Peoples Lumber Cornpany's displav lras au'arded first prize in the Commercial Department of the Ventura County Annual Fair helcl at \/entura Sept. ?3 to Sept. 27, 1925.
A miniature reproduction of a portion of NIain Street of Ventura in 1883 is shorvn in one end of the booth: this rvas the location of the first Peoples Lumber Company's yard. From this point was shorvn the growth of the company by means of ribbons to a map on the rvall showing the locations of the present eight branch yards. This reproduction was of great interest, especially to the county pioneers.
The Brick displayed rvas manufactured by the Company at their Ventura Plant.
Practically every line of building material was exhibited, such as Built-in Fixtures, Mill Work, Wall Board, Stucco, etc.
A small band saw and two lathes were in operation making small rolling pins, baseball bats and doll furniture, all of rvhich, after being stamped with the Company's name, were given away to the children. It has been estimated that nearly 10,000 of these gifts were distributed.
The booth carried the Company's slogan, i.e., "Owned and Operated by and for the People of Ventura County."
E. dc Rcynicr
H. B. Gamercton
426-128-80 Senta Marina Building ll2 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO
Fir erd Rcdwood Lumber

Trcatcd and Uatrcatcd Poler and Piler
Celifonh Sugar and ll/hitc Pinc Lunber
Split Redwood Ticr, Portr, Grape Stakce, ctc.
Sawn Rcdwood Shakcr and Shingler
Noritvertcn Ber& Bldg.
Our rcprcrcntrtivc In Southcrn Californtr arc Vfillimr and Coopcr, a5 ,WGrt Sixth Strrct, lar Angelca