1 minute read

ilemphis Hardwood

And Distributed By E.

BRoadway 1496


Henry BIdg. Portland

Victor E. Johnston Appointed Chief Inspector

Announcement has been made by the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association of the appointment of Victor E. Johnston as Chief Lumber Inspector. He has been connected with the Association's inspection bureau for the past two years and is taking the place made vacant by John Stevens who resigned last July. He will make his headquarters at the Association's San Frahcisco office.

Mr. Johnston has been associated with the lumber business all his life. He rvas born at Albany, New York, his father being a lumberman and for many years a saw-mill operator in the Adirondack Mountain Region. Prior to his joining the Association inspection force, he was connected with the Swayne Lumber Co. at Oroville. Mr. Johnston is very popular with the lumber fraternity of California and his many friends are wishing him great success in his nerv position.

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