2 minute read
to serve
Annual rings of trees crowing over this Red*-ood show it has lain on moist ground over two centunes. It is sound; free from decay or even worm holes.
Over this 600 Year old Redwood. trees close to 20O years old have grown. Yet the cut shows the buried Redwood sound and free from decay.
Whg Reduood Satisfies
Particular Customers
The li{e history of three Redwood trees that lie in the California forests is the best testimonv to Redwood's Dermanence and resistance to rot. Thouch restins in m6ist cround and cbvered with moss, mold and forest debriJ for fro;250 to aibout 400 vears. not one of them is decayed. Worms have not bored into them. tut into at random, their wood fibre is as bricht and sound as that in a live Redwood just felled. This rotlresistance earns Redwood oreference over other commercial r-oods. and explains its increasing usi by builders, architects and constructron engrneers. Write for Informotion on TPL Co. lunber and milluorh. fmXSAdficrrnterq
Our new Phone is ANgeluE 3287
Our facilitier for eerving you arc being grcatly enlarged and increared. You can alwayr rely on ur for your bare of eupply for hardwoode.
Hardwooils from Luzon, Philippine Islands. Panels, Veneers, Flooring anil Harilwooils.
Chas. R. McCormick, President of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., has returned from a short bnsiness trip to the Northwest where he was.. inspecting the company's large lumber operation in the Puget Sound District. Mr. McCormick announces that work has started on the construction of their new mill at Port Gamble. Work has started on the dismantling of the old mill and he states that the new mill rvill be operating in about six months. Their new Port Gamble mill will be a very modern saw-mill operation and when completed rvill cut about 275 M ft. per eight hour shift.
He also states that they are installing some new machinery at their Port Ludlow mill. The installation of the machinery at this plant will be completed in about 90 days, and will not interfere with the continr,red operation of tbe mill.
The Port Gamble and Port Ludlow mill operations were recently acquired through purchase from the Pope & Talbot interests. Together with their two mills at St. Helens, Oregon, this large lumber and shipping concern, are now operating four saw-mills in the Northwest which are backed up by one of the finest stands of timber in Washington and Oregon. The company also operates a large Creosoting Plant in connection with their mill operations at St. Helens.
Chamberlin Moves L.l,A. Offices
W. R. Chamberlin & Company are well located in their new offices at 266 New Chamber of Commerce Building. Their phone number has not been changed, nor has any change been.made in the.personnel of the Southern Calilornla organrzatron.
Portland Hoo Hoo Club Meets
At the luncheon meeting of the Portland Hoo-Hoo Club, lreld October 22, a start was made with plans for the entertainment of. the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association by the appointment of a strong committee. E. D. Kingsley was recommended for Vicegerent Snark and Herbert J. Anderson for State Counsellor.
Secretary W. B. Mack urged the members to boost for a National Hoo-Hoo Park in Oregon, which would be a future playground for lumbermen from San Diego to Vancouver. Land could be acquired for this purpose, he said, if they went after it in the right way. He thought that as regards location the Park should be located on a stream, and near the ocean. Mr. Mack also suggested that it might lle called National Friends of the Forest Park.
Dimmick Lumber Company

Fifc Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO Tel. Douglar E925 Vau Nuyr Bldg. LOS ANGELES Tcl. TRinity 7591
Exclusive Sales Agents for Northern California for
Portland, Oregon
Metropolitan, Cdifonria
. Seattle, Warhinglon
J. M.
Lumber Company
Fife Building, San Francirco