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to the Lcir Angeler Hoo Hoo Club'r Chrirtmar Party, to be given on the groundr at the Orthopaedic Horpital, Los Angelq, to the dozenc of wrfortunate, crippled kiddier, who are being taken care of in thb rylendid inetitution. We expect to give these children a party long to be remembered, there will be gifts for all of tfiem, candy galore, and a wonderful entertainment. All financed by the big-hearted Lumbermen of Southenr California. We expect to raise $21500 by relling admission tickets at One Dollar each, and we expec{ every concern in the Southern part of the State to do their share. One hundred centg of each dollar goes toward the show; the Committee ir, of courre, gLadly donating their time and all nesessary incidental expense. The date will be announced in a later irsue of thir irurnal. What we most want is a food of orders for tickas; rend them to arry member of the Comrnittee.
Hoo Hoo Officials Meet at Fresno
In conjunction with the California Retail Lumbermen's Convention at Fresno on October 30 and 31, there was a meeting on October 31 of all the state Hoo Hoo officials who were in attendance at the Convention.
Among those who attended the luncheon meeting at the California Hotel were:- trip to the Pacific Coast mill connections from British Columbia to California.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner will spend Christmas in California rvith their son, Harry Turner, who is a freshman at the University of California, living at the Delta Tau Delta fraternity house in Berkeley.
Santa Cruz Yard Sold
Fred M. Van Houten and H. V. Clark have purchased the lumber and mill business of Wilson Brothers. at Santa Cruz. The new firm will be known as the Bayona Mill and Lumber Co.
Murphy No Longer With Glasby
Mr. Joe Heath has replaced Mr. J. S. Murphy as Sales Manager for Glasby & Company, Los Angeles sash and door distributors.
C. D. LeMaster was elected Chairman and M., D. Bishop was elected Secretary of the meeting. Frank Trower made a report on the proceedings of the Hoo Hoo annual. There was a general discussion on conditions of the Order in the state, and a report was made by the officials present for their resoective districts.
Allan Turner To Locate At Grand Rapids
Allan Turner, Sales Manager of the Gerlinger Lumber Company, Portland, Oregon, has resigned his position effective December lst and will be associated with the lohn P. Wilkes Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Before leaving for the east, Allan will make a hurried
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