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lVeather-Proof !
-That one word tellr the rtoryof this Filson Cruising Coat in wiad'tight, water'resistattt Lhaki. Givca you some idea oI how it armors you against the attacks of the weather' Yet it's full in cut so it doesn't hamper freedom of movemcat. suiit--tite all Filson Garments-for outdoor wear and for the rough use such wear involves. Gives you protection' comfort and good ap' pearaoce-during all of its long li{c'
You aecd itt Year-'round usefulness, at work or play. Order one inch larger than white collar size.
C. C. FIISON Co. 1005-1007 Firrt Avc. Scattlc, \f,farhington
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fulle of Salinas have anhounced the recent marriage of their daughter Geraldine to Albert Roy Morley at Stockton, California. Mrs. Morley was among the most popular young ladies in Salinas and has also many friends in San Francisco. Mr. Morley is well known to the lumber trade of California and is associated rvith the California & Oregon Lumber Co. with headquarters in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Morley will make their home in San Francisco. .
Miss Irene Allen Weds Cliff Fydell
Garnet Fraser, *t,l\J"?Yr:3.In. rrom an extended trip throughout the east, brings back the announcement that Miss Irene Allan and Cliff Fydell were united in marriage on October 6 in "The Little Church around the Corner". They spent their honeymoon sojourning in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. They are making their home at 500 Fort Washington Ave., New York City.
"Cliff" is now sales manager of the New York office of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. He is well known in lumber and shipping circles on the Pacific Coast and his many California friends are pleased to hear he is having such a successful career in the east.
Olympic Club Unveil Memoriat
*FILSON CLOTHES for thc Man lllho Knoatsi'
At the Olympic Club's country home, on Saturday afternoon, October thirty-first, the President and Board of Directors of the Olympic Club in the presence of many friends held ceremonies attending the unveiling of the memorial "Friendship", the gift of Mrs. Martha Mary Hanify and Mrs. Eleanor Louise Christenson. in honor of their deceased husbands, John Ryder Hanify and Edwin Axel Christenson, forrner directors of the Olympic Club of San ' Francisco.