1 minute read
Now Nearly Half
-of one enterprising lumber-dealer's volume made in sales of
California Redwood
"Approximately 45% of our total lumber sales is Redwood"-says this dealer, in commenting on his profitable business with California Redwood. "lt pays"-is his conclusion.
And you can gain the same success. For Redwood production is on a sound basis. Prices are favorable to you. And you can get prompt shipment and delivery, in any quantity you wish.
Then Redwood's amazing qualities quickly create steady, profitable "repeat" business. In durability, ability to "stay p"t," strengtli, workability and other important qualities it ianks first among other Pacific Coast woods commonly used in building.
Learn more about how to benefit with this valued building material. (Jse our new plan book, mentioned elsewhere on this page. Order a suPplY todaY.