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Sugar Pine Sales Co. to Handle Sales of Sugar Pine Output
The Sugar Pine Sales Co., with membership comprising the Red River Lumber Co., Westwood; Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Fresno; Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Madera; Yosemite Lumber Co., Merced Falls; Standarcl Lumber Co', Sonora; Pickering Lumber Co., Tuolumne; Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino; McCloud Lumber Co., McCloud; Hutchinson Lumber Co., Oroville, and the Swayne Lumber Cd., Oroville, was recently organized to handle the sales of the sugar pine output of these mills. The new company will have as its purpose, the trade promotion, trade extension, and co-operative marketing of sugar pine lumber, and its membership includes from 85 to 95 per cent of all the sugar pine lumber produced in the state.
The executive offices of the company will be in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco. The policies of the new company are to be controlled by an executive committee, made up of represehtatives of each of the mills holding membership in the company. The company plans to carry on a publicity campaign, both in the local and eastern markets, advertising the uses and quality of the better grades of sugar pine. It is estimated that the company will handle the sales involving between 100,000,000 and 125,000,000 feet of lumber annually.
Edward P. Ivory has been appointed Sales Manager of the company. For the past two years. Mr. Ivory has been associated with the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, in charge of their Trade Extension Department. Prior to his coming to San Francisco, he was connected with the Forest Service Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, where he spent a considerable period on Lumber Standardizatioh work in connection with the new American Lumber Standards. Mr. Ivory will leave his Association rvork on Nov. l5 to take over his new position with the Sugar Pine Sales Co. Mr. fvory states that the purpose of the Sugar Pine Sales Co. is to follow out the idea recently expressed by President Coolidge which will be the orderly marketing of the sugar pine lumber crop.
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