3 minute read
material best suited for their needs and also protect the .public from the unscrupulous dealers as far as possible.
The following users of lumber have endorsed grade marking:
The National Lumber Manufacturers Assn.
National-American Wholesale Lumber Assn.
National Retail Lumber Dealers' Assn.
American Institute of Architects.
American Railway Engineering Assn.
American Railway Bridge and Bldg. Assn.
The Association of General Contractors of America. National Association of Builders' Exchanges. Association of Wood Using Industries.
Automobile Body Builders' Assn.
National Association of Wood Turners (Inc.)
"I would recommend that the California Retail I-umbermen's Association endorse the principle of grade marking and put in operation some plan of the retailer certifying his material to the public. I thank you."
Following President Pinkerton's address, there was a general discussion on the subject during which Harry A. Lake read a resolution passed by the Orange County Lumbermen's Club endorsing grade marking and the certification of lumber and building materials. E. D. Tennant, secretary of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club, also announced that his organization had endorsed grade marking and lumber certification. A committee composed of E. T. Robie, Chairman, W, K. Kendrick, E. D. Tennant, A. J. Kelley, G. F. Hoff, C. P. Curran, Paul Merner, and C. W. Pinkerton, was appointed to draw up resolutions on the matter which would be acted upon at the Saturday morning session of the convention.
On Friday afternoon, the visiting ladies were guests of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, at the Country Club where they were entertained at tea by the members' wives. During the tea, there was an excellent entertainment and musical program rendered.
Saturday Morning Session
President C. W. Pinkerton called the meeting to order, and after community singing, called on Charles G. Bird, Chairman of the "Code of Ethics" Committee, Stockton Lumber Co.. to lead the discussion on the "Code of Ethics" Committee, Stockton Lumber Co., to lead the discussion on the "Code of Ethics."
Mr. Bird stated that at the Directors meeting held at Santa Barbara in January, M. A. Harris and himself, were appointed as a Committee to drarv up a "Code of Ethics" for the Association, a preliminary copy of their report be- ing distributed among the members present at the Convention. He stated the purpose of the Code was to provide concrete principles of business methods which will serve as a guide and aid in the maintenance of correct business standards. Mr. Bird named the several lumber associations in the country who have adopted a ."Code of Ethics" and in formulating their Preliminary Report, he stated that the Committee had taken the matter up with these various associations. On June 13 at the Directors meeting at Glendale, the Preliminary Report was presented before the meeting, and on March 14 the report was presented before the meeting of the Central California Lumbermen's Club and was up for discussion at several of their meetings. On September 26, the report was presented before the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club for discussion.
The Preliminary Report which was submitted to the Convention for approval, in addition to the general introductory declarations, deals with "declarations effecting our relations with those from whom we buy," "declarations effecting our relations with those to whom we sell," "declarations effecting the relationship between ourselves as fellow dealers," "declarations effecting our relationship with the public at large," and the general concluding provisions.
New Directors
F. T. Robie moved for the adoption of the "Code of Ethics" rvhich was unanimously passed by the convention.
President Pinkerton announced the next business would be the election of new directors, and appointed the following committee to act aS tellers: W. R. Vanderwood, Earl Johnson, Arthur Kelley, George Ground, E. S. McBride, and Frank Minard. The election of Directors resulted as follows: Central District, R. F. Wells, 'West Turlock Lumber Co., Turlock; Peninsula District, Paul M. B. Merner, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto; San Francisco Bay District, J. E. Neighbors, Neighbors Lumber Yd., Oakland; San Joaquin Valley District, Frank Wright, Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville; Santa Cruz Dist., C. H. Griffin, Jr., Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Santa Cruz1' Beach District, A. T. Stoner, Sawtelle Lumber Co., Sawtelle; Orange County District, Verne Whitson, Whitson Lumber Co., Santa Ana; San Bernardino District, A. D. White,'Mccormick Lumber Co., Riverside, and Santa Barbara District, C. E. Bonestel, Peoples Lumber Co., Ventura.
The report .of the Resolutions .Committee was read by M. A. Harris, Chairman of the Committee, and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED: That wc extcnd a vote of thanks to the press and to the Trade Journals for the publicity givcn thc Convention and for thcir splendid co-opcration in making this annual mecting such a succcss.
RESOLVED: That in vicw of thc very cxcellent servicc rendered by the Californian Hotcl and the uniform couriesy shown our members by its entirc stafr during thc convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, that wc express our fullest apprcciration to the managcment for these scrvices rendered.
RESOLVED: That thc members of thc California Retail Lumbcrmen's Association at this convention hcrcby cipress, by a rising