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Let Hammond Do All Your Sp.cial Millwork For You
HATEVER the specifications of your order for special millworh, Hammondts big Millwork Factory is equipped and ready to render you super-gervice.
The thousands of dollars worth of new machines installed in this factory have raised the standard of our manufacturing ttill they're second to none. Wetve cut labor costs and increased production speed. There are machines manned by skilled experts capable of handling the most exact and difficult order you might care to place here.
Hammond's Special Millwork Factory is one of the largest and most completely equipped on the Pacific Coast. These retourcet. These facilities. They are for you to use!
vote, their apprcciation to Presidcnt Pinkerton, for his uniiring work during thc past ycar.
RESOLVED:-ThaI this Convcntion express its apprcciation of the unsclfieh scrvices pcrformcd by the entire mcmbcrship of thc Board of Dircctors who havc laborcd without cornpcnsation, as well as patnna thcir own cxpcnscs to attend mcctings for thc gcncral good of thc industry.
RESOLVED: That hcartfclt thanks and apprcciation, in convcntion asscmblcd, be expresscd, by a rising votc, to Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Sccrctary, for hcr untiring cfrorts and thc cncrgy cxpended for the welfare of this association during the past ycar.
RESOLVED: That the thanks of the convention bc cxtcndcd to all speakers participating in the splendid program of this convention.
that copics be sent to all of our membcrs with a rcquet that thcy taLc_r! 1rp _qt! thcir respectivc Scnators and Reprcsc-ntativcs.
RESOLVED: WHEREAS thc mattcr of a lfodet Licn Law,to bc used throughout the United States, has bcen placed beforc us, it is thc scnse of this convcntion herc assembled that our Board'of Directors bc cmpowered to arrange for the sclection of a suitablc rcprescntativc to appcar bcfore thc propcr authoritics in chargc of this matter; and be it furthcr RESOLVED: THAT wc do not subscribe to a Modcl Lien Law until such time as it shall be of[c!a_lly investigatcd by said representative; and be it furthcr RESOLVED: That we endeavor to raisc funds sufficient for thc cxpcnses of such reprcsentativc and that we invite othcr interestcd organizations to subscribe to this fund.
BE IT RESOLVED: That this Association adopt for thC use oJ its membels, and such others'as may be duly authorized to use the satnc, a- Certificate to bc dclivered to the iustomer, ccrtifying the grade of matcrials sold and delivered to him;
That such.certificate bcar a suitable dcsign, and wording appro- priate to its purpose and that quch design -bc protected bi li*crs patent and such wording be cop:yrighted in the name of this Association;
.- That a publicity fund be crcated by voluntafy subscription, from dealers in various communitics; the services of a high clals publicity p1n be -sccurcd to preparc copy for sundry local ads to properly bring b-efore the public the nceds of such a system of selting ium-- ber and ihe benefits to be derived therefrom by the consumei; that shall be expended in each community contributirig to such fund'the entire amount of its contribution less its pro-rata share of administration costs;
That the President of this Association appoint a Committec of not to excced five (5) mernbers to work out all detalls of this plan and rcport to the Board of Directors at the earliest possible date; that this Committee inierview the lumber manufacturars and urse'upon them the necessity of adopting and using a uniform systcm 6f graa- ing their products; iipSOf,VpO: That wc cxpress our apprcciation to Mr. Adolph Pfund, Secretary-Manager of the National Rctail Lumber Dealers Association, for his Brcsence at our Convention and for his counsel and aid in our discussions; That wc cxtcnd to him our congratulation on the success of the great work he is carrying on; That wc show our desire to co-operate by authorizin$ our Board of Directors to App.ly, in their wisdom, for membership in thc grcat parent organrzauon.
That this Association request thc co-opcration in the prcmises of all- organizations connected directly or indirectly with thc building industry.
RESOLVED: That a special vote of thanks be extended to Phil B. Hart, Ed. Martin, and Jack Dionne, and the "California Lumber Merchant" for the publicity given the Convention in their publication, and for iheir co-operation with the Association during the past year.
RESOLVED: That we cxtend our thanks to Mr. Gco. Cornwall of Portland, for his wonderful tclcgr-arn -of congr-atulations; and .that wc express our apprcciation of his though-tfulncss in furnishing rccistration cards for thc Convention; and that wG extend to him oui best wishes for continued Sood hcalth and prosperity.
RESOLVED: That a vote oi thanks bc givcn the Cemcnt Manufacturers for their courtesies in furnishing decorations for thc Banouet of thc California Rctail Lurnberrnen's Association; and a vote oi thanks be cxtendcd to those who participatcd in our Souvcnir Procram with their advertiscmcnts.
R-ESOLVED: That wc reiteratc most vehemcntly our Resolutions of L924 that continucd and persistent efrorts bc put forth to the creation of a STANDARDIZED LUMBER DEALER.
RESOLVED: That a votc of thanks be extended to the San Ioaouin Valley Lumbcrmen's Club for its untiring cfforts and atIention to detail leading to thc arrangements for our comfort and cntcrtainmcnt.
RESOLVED: That a votc of thanks bc cxtcnded to thc Arrangemcnts Commi.tee, Entertainment Committee and Reception Committee for their untiring cfrorts in planning for and carrying out thc details in connection with our Conven'ion.
RESOLVED: That a vote of thanks be extended to Hoo-Hoo Club No. 31, for the splendid entertainment given our delegates a: thc Commcrcial Club, Frcsno, on thc night of October 30th, 1925; atso to Phil B. Hart of "The California Lumber Merchant," and Parson Simpkin for their participation therein.
RESOLVED: That we cxpress our thanks to Herbcrt Stone, Secrctary-Manager of thc Building Material Dealers Credit Association of Los Ang-les, for his splendid co-operation with our Legislativc Committee -during the recent session of thc Legislation and that a coDy of this Resolution be forwarded to him.
- RESOLVED: That this Annual Convendon of thc California Retail Lumbcrmcn's Association, places itself unanimously on record, as bcing opposed to the Fedcral Capital Stock Tax. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That thcse resolutions bc transmitted to thc President of the United Statcs and to Secretary Mellon, and
RESOLVED: That a vote of thanks be extended to C. G. Bird and M. A. Harris for the work donc on thc'CODE OF ETHICS" which has becn adopted by this Convention asscmbled.
RESOLVED: That a vote of thanks be cxtcndcd the Rcsolutirons Committcc for thcir efficient work.
WHEREAS, The upbuilding of American citizenship is basically connected with the ownership of homes, dnd
WHEREAS, the National Conventions of Lumbermen, construction industries, realtors, etc., have passed strongresolutionsendorsingbuilding-loanassociatiohs,and, -
WHEREAS, the California Sanitation Development League, representing the plumbing, heating and ventilating industries, and the Oakland Real Estate Board, have passed similar resolutions, and
WHEREAS, the Oakland Real Estate Board has taken active steps toward coordinating all industries and businesses in California, which are directly benefitted by building construction and has sent a communication to this Con-
vention, inviting the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to cooperate in such work, and
WHEREAS, such a movement meets with the unqualified approval of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That a committee of three, with full power to act, be appointed by the Directors of this As-
Mbistite is a paper sheathing made waterproof by an inner layer -of processed bitumen that saturates the fibres, binds them togetler and thus becomes sealed within and really a part of the paper itself. The photograph above (magnified about 36 times) shows how the bitu,rr.r, "it,tt"tes the fibres and makes them waterproof.
Moistite is light gray in color, pliable and stro-ng. It is sanit_ary, odorless, vermin-proof. !t keeps out rnoi"t,tr., cold and wind, coneerves heat and deadens sound. For use under all extirior finish-under stucco, under shingles, under brick veneer, under clapboards (rustic), and for lining and wrapping purposes where a waterproof paper is required.
Moistite is different from anything else on the market and its process of manufacture is protected by a United States patent. The lumber dealer who handles Moistite has an exclusive selling t;lk about the merchandise that enables him to meet the competition of other building and sheathing papers.

Good Profits for the Lumber Merchant
MOISTITE is backed with a practical merchandising and advertising campaign, including many effective dealer helps.
The Zellerbach Paper Company is now appointing dealers. 'Write or call at the nearest division for samples of MOISTITE, descriptive literature and other information which shows how the lumber merchant can cash in with this new waterproof sheathing.
sociation and that the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, hereby approves all proper methods and institutions, whose objects make for more and better homes in America.
E. T. Robie, Chairman of the Grade Marking and Merchandizing of Grade Marked Materials Committee, proposed a resolution urging the association to adopt for use of its members and such others as may be duly authorized to use the same, a certificate to be delivered to the customer, certifying the grade of the materials sold and delivered to him. The resolution provided that the certificate bear a suitable design which rvill be protected by patent and copyrighted; also that a publicity fund be created by voluntary subscription and a publicity man be secured to prepare copy for local ads that shall be expended in each community contributing to such fund the entire amount of its contribution less its pro rata share of administration costs. That the President of the Association appoint a Committee of five (5) members to work out the details of this plan and to report to the Boatd of Directors at the earliest possible date; that the Committee interview the lumber manufacturers and urge upon them the necessity of adopting and using a uniform system of grading their products.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by the Convention.
Owing to the absence of Treasurer J. H. McCalltrm of San Francisco, r.vho rvas at Washington, D. C.on bnsiness, Secretary J. E. Fraser read the treasurers report, which was unanimously adopted. The report showed the Association entirely iree from any indebtedness and $1600.00 in the
Banquet And Dance
On Saturday evening nearly 400 attended the banquet which was held in the Ball Room of the Californian Hotel. The banquet hall was beautifully decorated in yellow and black, giving the hall the appearance of a Hallowe'en Party. During the dinner, there was an excellent musical program and entertainment. At the conclusion of the dinner, Parson Simpkin, Chaplain of the Order of Hoo-Hoo, gave a short inspirational talk. Mrs. Ruben Johnson, Fresno, rvas the winner of the ladies prize, which was a beautiful silver mesh bag and Miss Ella Daigle, Fresno, was the rvinner of the ladies Consolation prize, a beautiful deck of playing cards. W. B. Innes, Oakland, was the winner of the gentlemen's prize, a writing desk set and C. R. Magnusen, Kingsbury, was the winner of the gentlemen's consolation prize, a gold lead pencil. The prizes were donated by the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club. J. C. Ferger, President of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, acted as toastmaster.
The arrangements for the Convention were in charge of thb San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club. F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., acted as General Chairman. The Arrangements Committee was made up of J. G. I\{artin, Fresno Lumber Co., Fresno, Chairman, Frank Minard, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, and Ben Maisler, Maisler Bros. Lumber Co., Fresno. J. C. Ferger, Swastika Lumber Co., was chairman of the Entertainment Committee, and was assisted by Frank Minard, Ben Maisler, Paul Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto, and Virgil Routt, Routt Lumber Co., Fresno.
List Of Registrations
H. A. Adams ...Adams Bower Lurnbcr Co., Anaheim
Jack C. Allen. , Riverside Portland Ccment Co., Los Angeles
N. H. Baird. Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Frcsno
A. C, Baker. .Northwestern Mutual Fire Ass'n., Los Angelca
Hal Baldwin Hayward Lumber Co., Los Angcles
E. L. Bauer Bauer-Gicb Lumber Co., Los Angeles
Wm. Bawbell............Bawbell Lumber & Mat. Co., Los Angelcs
Geo. H. Bcntley. .....,Bentlcy Lumbcr Co., Glendale
C. lf,r. Bingham..... ...Bingham lf,fcnts Planing Mill, Frcsno
W. R. Besccker..... ....Tildcn Lumbcr & Mill Co., Oakdalc
C. G. Bird. ...Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton
B. F. Bondurant.... ...Reedley Lumbcr Co., Recdlcy
G. F. Bonnineiton... ...Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco
Chas. E. Bonestcl. .....Peoplcs Lumber Co., Vcntura
Albcrta Ruth Brey. ...Brey-Wright Lumbcr Co., Portcrville
E, J. Brockmann. Lumberman's Reciprocal Ass'n., San Francisco
B. G. Brown, Jr.. Peoplcs Lurnbcr Co., Ojai, Calif.
C. R. Buchanan..... ....Buchanan & Russcl, San Francisco
F. W. Burgers ......Union Lumber Co., San Francisco
A. W. Burnhaucr... ....Fresno Planing Mill, Fresno
C. L. Burnc:t...... .,.....Burnett-Carr Lumbcr Co., Exctcr
P. T. Burns. ..Moron Lumber Co., Bakcrsficld
R. C. Gallaway...... ...Santa Fc Lumber Co,, San Francisco treasury. Mrs. Fraser gave a short talk on the growth of the association, which during its first year had 86 members and at the present time has about 300 members. She announced that during the past year, 28 new members joined the association and she urged that every member bring in a new member during the coming year. The directors meetings during the past year were in all instances largely attended, she declared.
Saturday Afternoon
On Saturday afternoon following the adjournment of the Convention, there was a meeting of the Board of Directors at which the following oficers for the ensuing year were elected; President C. W.. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier; Vice President Northern District, Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton; Vice President Southern District, Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Treasurer, J. E. Neighbor, Neighbors Lumber Yard, Oakland, and Secretary-Manager, J. E. Fraser, San Francisco.

During the afternoon, many of the visiting lumbermen and ladies inspected the large Raisin Plant at Fresno and the mill operations, at Pinedale.
Guy F. Campbell. ....Thc Paraftne Co's Inc., Frcsno
W. J. Camcron..... .U. S. Gypsum Co., Los Angclcr
E. A. Carlson Santa Fc Lumber Co., San Francisco
O. .H. Carter Fresno Lumbcr Co., Frcsno
O. W. Carr. ......Burnctt-Carr Lumbcr Co., Exetcr
H. B. Chadbournc..........E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco
C. H. Chaprnan..... ......Chapman Lumber Co., Santa Ana
J. M. Chase. .......W. R. Chambcrlin & Co., San Francisco
A. H. Chalfant..... .....Frcgno Lumber Co., Fresno
L. H. Chapman .... ...Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento
R. O. Chatharn ,... .C. S. Pierce Lumbcr Co.. Fresno
Chas. P. Christensen. ...Lindcn Lumber Co., Lindcn
H. C. Clark. .Thc Booth-Kelly Lumbcr Co., Los Angelcr
J. A. Clothicr ..Hamrnond Lumber Co., San.Francisco
R. W. Clydc ......Pac. Portland Cement Co., Fresno
Max E. Cook.. .......Calif, Redwood Ass'n.. San Francisco
A. A, Courteney, Jr., , Pac. Portland Cemcnt Co., San Francisco
C. Kimhall Crane . .......Exetcr Lumber Co., Exeter
H. M. Cross. ,....Cross Lumbcr Co., Merced
Alred J. Crow,. ..C. S. Piercc Lumber Co., Kcrman fos Cunco. ..,...,Whitc Bros.. San Francisco
Jos Bros., San
Chas. P. Curran. ..Curran Bros. Inc., Pornona
R. J. Dahlcm .LaVerne Lumber Co., LaVerne
J. L. Dartt. .Calif. Portland Ccmcnt Co., Los Angelcr
Earl D. Davies. .....CaruthcrF
Wrn. T. Davies. .....Pattcn & Davies Lumbcr Co., Paaadcni
R. O. Deacon ......R. O. Dcacon Lumbcr Co,
(Continued on Page 32)