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'u"fu says
"Tsr grade of No. 1 Shop must contain )ol% or more of cuttinls in the following sizes and grades : No-. 1 stiles, five or siiinches wi-de and from six feet eight inches to seven feet long, No. 1 rails, nine inches or ten inches, fromtwo feet four inches to three feet, and No. I muntins, five inches or six inches and from three feet six inches to four feet in length.
"Any number of pieces of either stiles or rails are admited, but only two muntins are ordinarilv considered. One No. 2 qualiry door stile may be admined in any pieie of No. 1 Sliop. However, a pi6ci in which the cuttiings consist of bne No. 2 door stile is nol considered a good No. 1 Shop piece. This grade of No. l Shop will usually produce sufficient cuttings of all sizes ior a well balanced dooirrianufacturing operationJ.
"No. 1 Shop California White and Susar Pine is broduced in widths of 5 inc"hes and ove^r, and in lengths of 6 feet and up. The lengths of No. 1 Shop will
Valueil especially for
be found to be very good. From some millsTo% of the lumber shipmentswill be 16 feet long, whereas the percentage of lengths under lo feet will not be over 57o of.the shipmenr,.
"This grade of California Pine proves most economical to buv wherever clear cuctings in sizes which go to make up a door are wanted. Dressed thicknesses are all heavy, providing I/32 inch extra for sanding.
"All grades of California Pine shop lumber"are valued for cutting-up pur'poses. A characteristic of California \(hite and Sugar Pine is that the knots arc fairlv well scattered in the board and the area between the knots is usually free of other defects. The grain of this *ood is straight, even up to-the edge of the knot itself, so that cuts taken from it can be used to very good advantage in the manufacture of doors, sash and interior woodwork."
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