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Fresno Hoo Hoo Entertain Retailers
Friday night, October 30, during the Annual Meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, the Fresno Hoo-Hoo boys "did their stuff" at a well attended meeting held in the rooms of the Fresno Commercial Club.
It was a delightful meeting and much credit is due Frank Minard, President of Hoo-FIoo Club No. 31, and Lew L. Walker, Vicegerent of the Fresno District.
About three hundred gathered at 8:30. No one was excluded from the meeting, all the lumbermen, men from other industries, and their ladies had been urged to attend.
Mr. Minard introduced, as Master of Ceremonies, Phil B. Hart, Managing Editor of "The California Lumber Merchant." who introduced the various acts and directed some of his yarns at Jack Ferger, Joe Martin, Frank Minard, Martin Johnson, J. G. Ferguson and others, as the butts of the storles.
Two three-round amateur bouts were given, one by light-
(Contin,ued from Page 32) weights and one by the bigger fellows. Then a special fight rvas introduced, after a lengthy explanation by Hart. He told of a disagreement between Presiilent Pinkerton and Vice-President Matt Harris, at the convention, and of the proposal that these two staid gentlernen settle their differences in the ring. One-Round Pinkerton was then announced, to fight Battling Kid Harris. Two small darky boys substituted for their principals; they had their ring names painted on their backs, and it was a battle royal while it lasted. No one knows who won, and the general impression is that it was a draw.
Other numbers consisted of a variety of dancing by two clever juveniles, and a Charleston demonstration by local talent. This, with the orchestra and the splendid "Dutch Feed" consumed the time until about eleven. when the boys tuned up for dancing, which rvas enjoyed until after midnight.
(Continued on Page 36)