2 minute read
as California White Pine Veneers" The Painter Knows
The skilled Painter recognizes in California White Pine a dependable base for his craftsmanship. The smooth surface, free from riiges and "tuzz" give free_sc_ope to his materials and skill. The painter ian get better results with less work and expense than on otheiwoods. Enamels, particularly work economically on California White Pine and show a lasting beauty. There is no grain-raising or discoloration of enamels on california white Pine and fewer coits arr necessary. The delicate-beauty of the grain pattern and their infinite variety is brought out by rotary cutting appeals to good taste. Stains and iwotone effects on California White Pine Veneer panels bring a new beauty that is being welcomed by architects, decorators and Luilders.
lf you arc not alrcady a utcr ol Califonia Whitc Pine Vcnccn, from Thc Red Rlvcr Lumber Co4qpa_nv, it lr tlmc you wcrr g€ttlng equdnted wit-h thlr new product. You owc it to yourtelf arrd to your patrona. Let us-send you r ret of rtaincd panel ranrples and pricet. "Proilucers of
(Continued from Page 34)
Mrs. H. M. fscnhower...... ,.Sacramcnto
Mrs. A. L. Jacobson. 'Fresno
Mrs. G. H. Johnson. .Fresno
Mrs. Earl Johnson. ..Pasadena
Mrs. A. M.Johnson. ...Bcnecia
Mrs. A. J. Kelly. ....Fullerton
Mrs. W. K. Kendrick ..Fresno
Mrs. G. M. Kenncdy. ...Fresno
Mrs. G. A. Kramcr. ..Pittsburg
Mrs. C. B. Lanc. ... ..Burbank
Mrs. S. R. Larrabee. .....Los Angclcs
Mrs. C. D. Le Master...... ....'.Sacramento
Mrs. M. A. Harris. .....San Francisco
Mrs. W. H. Esworthy ..Fresno
Mrs. H. F'. Brey. ...Portcrville
Mre. C. R. Magnussen.. . ..... .Kingsburg l/[rs. Ben Maisler. ... ...Frcsno
Mrs. Lowell Meyers. ....Cutler

Mrs. O. H. Millcr. .Sacramento
Mrs. Frank Minard. ..Fresno
Mrs. W. G. Newmycr .......Pasadcna
Mrs. .R. T. O'Hara.
Mrs. G. D. Pierce.
Mrs. Adolph Pfund.
Mrs. F. D. Prescott.
Mrs. E. M. Prcsco'.t.
Miss Ona Rind .
Mrs. O. L. Russen.
Mrs. S. T. Scoficld.
Mrs. J. H. Shcpard.
Park, Ill.
Mrs. S. P. Ross. ......Hanford
Mrs. J. H. Simeral. ..Pasadena
Mrs. W. S. Spiccr. ..Santa Ana
Mts. J. C. Stark. ......Oakland
Emily Stebbins...... ..-Frcsno
Mrs. F. L. Stokes. ...Pasadena
Mrs. A. M. Thackaberry ..rii
Mrs. Russcll Tracy.
Mrs. W. R. Vandcrwood.
Mrs. H. t. Verble.
Mrs. L. L. Walkcr.
Mrs. Earl Weiman.
Mrs. Wickcrsham
Biltie Wildins. ......Los Angclcs
Mra. Joe Cunco. .San Francisco
Suggests Voice Training
Frank Wise, popular director of the Los Angeles HooHoo Club, attended the "Bosses' Day" meeting of the club, when a larger number of the heads of Southern California companies were in attendance. At this meeting, two of the McCormick boys, Ed Houghton and Ed Culnan, sang, and from a letter just received from Frank, one would assume that he had quite an educated taste for music. He writes as follows:
R,/E last Thursday's meeting.
To my mind it accomplished a double purposc. In addition to demonstraiing that the "bosses" are interested in Hoo-Hoo, it disctosed the fact that we have some real talent in voice within our club. It secms to me that such grcat gifts as thc two Eddics of McCormick's show that they have, should not go unrecognizcd. In order that these talents may be propcrly cultivatcd (or plowed, or what have you) I arn cnclosing herewith the professional card of a voicc tcacher, whose name alone warrants your consideration if you dcsirc to place thcm under proper tutelage.
The enclosure was a classified advertisement from the Examiner, reading, "J. Nevlin Whybark, Voice Teacher, 818 Majestic Building."
Santa Barbara, Nov. 6.-The California Hotel, Estado and Mason streets, will be rebuilt with an all-steel frame surrounding the present floors, according to plans filed with Building Inspector Pope todav.
During the earthquake the brick walls of the new hotel collapsed, leaving the wooden frame alone.-L. A. Examrner.
Our well-equipped Veneer IVIill enables us to render you service in large or small quantities of the finest fancy figured Veneers that it is possible to obtain.