1 minute read
Mr. Pip Sez
If any of them advertisin' solicitors, specialty salesmen, or efrcient experts-that has invited themselves to my office ain't been booted in the rear to lceep them su1-i1's because they get out before I could rise upor they was too big in heft fer me to tackle, unless I had a 2x4 handy. I ain't ever been sorry fer myself, but I've gotten pretty sorry fer some other folks in the Lumber business, cause they don't seem to know
,'1gm much. Some of these fellers don't know it, but my idear is that things is goin' to the eternal bow-wow's in the Lumber business. Some mills still has some good timber an' is makin' good lumber, other mills has poor timber and makin' good lumber out of it, but they ain't none of the mills that I knows of that is producing any over supply of the best grades of Common Lumber-and now comes all this aggertation about rubber stampin' Lumber. I don't believe in no higher edication of too menny folks about the Lumber business, fer I has surely learnt since I has been in the Lumber business that folks, when they knows how, frequently wants to buy the best Lumber at the cheapest price, an' certainly some of them tell you that your competitor has only figgered the.best, 'cause he said so. In my opinion, in the..past, if all the Lumber had been delivered on grades as some folks claim it were figgered, even in the days when they was a surplus of the best grades made, they would not have been enuff of the class figgered to go around.
Bein's I ain't going to school backwoods, I has bought me a new hand saw and paint brush to git rid of that rubber stamp marking. In my early learnin' of the Lumber business, they was only two kinds of Lumber, Rough an' Dressed, then came Clear an' Select an' No. I an' No. 2 Common-or they wasn,t no great site of the last grade sold fer many folks wouldn't have it, but later when the mills begin mak- in' lower grades and commenced to infuence the dealers to handle these low grades largely by fixin' extra inducements on price-l can't see no reason why the buyin' public should now be re-edicated, back to where they was at the beginnin'.