4 minute read
Concerning Roofs
By A. E. Carlson, Purchasing Agent, Pioneer Paper Co., Inc.
' Man's fundamental conception of home always has been "a roof over his head." Ilowever, in these days of advanced civilization arrangements for bodily comfort and provision for luxury have so enlarged the conception that home builders are likely now to give last thought to the roof. But the fullest advantage cannot be taken of modern comforts without a good roof over head.
Data issued by the Prepared Roofing Association of Chicago show that since 1908 the use of asphalt prepared roofings has increased 400 per cent. Asphalt roofings and asphalt shingles now roof seven out of ten new buildings. Enough asphalt. shingles and prepared roofings were produced last year to house a shed 30 feet wide and built around the world-in other words, 32,000,000 squares; a "square" being 100 square feet.
Ten important considerations enter into the selection of a roof. These are (1) kind of building, (2) type of roof construction, (3) permanency,of building, (4) service expected, {5) selection of roofs, (6) specifications, (7) method of ap- -plication, (8) life of roof, (9) roof protection and, (10) price.
The kind of building usually determines the type of roof construction, rvhile relative permanency of building also affects roof selection. Frequently a roof is expected to be more than a roof. Sometimes it is expected to be a playground for a factory or apartment house. The selection of prepared roofings is simplified"by the fact that they may be purchased from any lumber yard, hardware or building material dealer. Pioneer specifications are available for the use of architects. The method of application may mean a poor or a good roof and an easy way out is to place the responsibility on the manufacturer who has experts on roof construction to take complete charge of the job. Life of the roof depends upon the care and treatment it receives, but roof "life insurance" is available in the form of roofs guaranteed for a given period, Roofing protection means a roof that can be relied upon. A building without a roof is no building at all and a building with a poor roof is a nuisance. Price comparisons show the decided economy of prepared roofing and shingles over other materials, both in the initial application and in upkeep.
Yale Expert To Study Forest Taxation
A nation-wide study of the forest tax problem in relation to reforestation is being launched by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, which has just announced the appointment of Prof. Fred R. Fairchild of Yale University as director of the investigation.
Shreveport Defends Shingles
Shreveport, La., Nov.8.-After a fire here the usual drive against shingles was made, notwithstanding the fact that a majority of the burned houses were roofed rvith iron or other roofing. The local lurnbermen took up the cudgels for shingles and appealed to the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau for help. A representative of that association presented the real facts in the roofing war to the city council, and the anti-shingle ordinance was defeated.
The small floating shingle mill owned by the Long-Bell Lumber Company has added a third machine recently, and is now producing 200,000 shingles daily in two shifts.
Glasby & Company Changes
Mr. Clare E. Glasby, president of Glasby & Company, rvell knor,vn sash and door distributors in Southern California, has just announced a number of changes in their organization.
In the past this company has confined their activities to the wholesale sash and door business. from their immense warehouse and factory on East 25th St., Los Angeles.
Through a new arrangement and by the acquisition of an additional tract of land adjoining their original plant, they have branched out into the general building material line, handling lumber of all kinds, sand and gravel, wall boards, roofing, etc.
Mr. Glasby especially wishes to announce that, contrary to the general impression, his company has not discontinued their wholesale sash and door activities. and that that end of the business is being conducted in a special department.
Glasby and Company have acquired their own sand and gravel plant, have a large stock of lumber on hand and state that they are gratified at the amount of business already obtained.
In addition to the above mentioned materials, they have taken the exclusive agency, in Southern California, for Bostrvick Metal Lath, and for the well known "Rough Patent" built-in ironing boards.
They have perfected a unique financing plan whereby they are offering prospective Home Builders 100 per cent financing on their buildings.
Mr. Glasby is president of the corinpany, Mr. Joe Heath is General Sales Manager, Hiram Adilman is Treasurer, John Radke, Secretary and Auditor, and Mr. A. Wardman is Chairman of the Board.
What the Disc Head Has to Do With Larger Oak Flooring Sales
An article or comodity superlatively goo4 is ertain to be qtokne oI in the highesttermsbythepur,clraser and in-tura by his acquaintances who catch hie en' thusiasm and share his admiration From thie point on, it is a matler oI eteadily increasing good will' d€' nand and salec
The disc head machine as employed in our manufac' truing operation is one o[ th€ well'cmsid€led advanced methodi which play an imponant part in producing the superlative merits o[
So wrrmlv edmircd by buildcrr, owacn and dcelar, hom corst r, coasc Tbi principlc d edsc l€.dir& upo wlrich thir mai$iae is de' eimcd. ia ecientiicallv cortect In precricc it is accutsc o thc 6aeat Iriction. lvtoteorrcr, ii produces a ffnbhed ek 0ocing he. ft@ bit nerlr aad with a aurlace that.is dl but pdilhcd. Cmbind wfuh thi! pcrlect machine wor!. ia "SupedcBraad'! is corci*eot unibrn color end terture which hold true throughout euccraaive shipneot*
Wc'[ bc elad to give you lunher enlishteniag lacta in our *echl lrcc booHa t.u denlers. Write ior it now, subminiag your oal lloor' ing seedulo br $rotatio * thc ame tine.
&!ayote quote orrloarnal;, catload?
Hclena, ultLansas
Paclfic Cad RePrxnlaliu
R. A- BROWN, 6o46 Carloa Ave.. Ioe Angelcr