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To Make Paper From Fir
A step torvard the conservation of forests has been taken in the use of waste rvood from giant Douglas Fir trees, which heretofore has been considered a loss by the west fir unit of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, Longview, Wash. This waste now will be the basis for a new industry which will convert it into chips for the manufacture of kraft paper.
A great amount of attention has been given the waste in the lumber industry and with this new move toward conservation, a saving in timber and money will be effected and the small amount of waste now remaining will be materially reduced.
The new industry was assured when a contract for furnishing from 100 to 125 cords of Douglas Fir waste by the Long-Bell Lumber Company rvas closed with the CrownWillamette Paper Company, which will erect a chipping plant at Longvierv, next to the Long-Bell Lumber Company sawmill, the largest in the world.
The nerv plant rvill reduce all waste, from chips to the butts of the largest logs, to a size that may be conveyed by a blower pipe system to open barges in the Columbia River and taken to the paper company's mill at Camas, Wash., where it will be converted into pulp and then into kraft paper. The plant at Longvierv will not be a paper mill or plant;
Steps Made To Save Largest Cedar Tree
Efforts to preserve Washington's largest cedar tree and 20 smaller trees adjacent are being made by the Washington Natural Parks Association and the Washington Automo[ile Club. A fund of $2000 is being raised to buy the trees from the North Bend Timber Company, operating near the base of Mount Teneriffe. The big tree has a circumference three feet above the ground of 58 feet, with a diameter at that height of 16 feet, and is declared to be the largest cedar ever measured by forest authorities.
Bellingham, Oct. 26.*It is announced by President J. H. Bloedel that the right side of the Bloedel-Donovan carg'o mill will be electrified. The left side has been electrified for some years. The work will take about three months, and is estimated to cost $75,000.
Wilbur Hattery Visiting Chicago
Wilbur Hattery, vice-president of Geo. T. Mickle Lumber Co., North Portland, Oregon, has been called to Chicago by the death of his father. Mr. Hattery will be absent from Portland for some time, assisting in the settlement of his father's affairs. Mr. Hattery, Sr., was prominent in banking circles in Chicago.
Gerlinger Carriers Go To New York And Philadelphia
Dallas Machine & Locomotive Works, Dallas, Oregon, have recently shipped two Gerlinger lumber carriers to New York and two to Philadelphia.
They have also sold Gerlinger carriers recently to Forest Lumber Company, Aspgrove,. Oregon, and East Oregon Lumber Co., Enterprise, Oregon.
Officers for the ensuing year of Coos Bay Hoo-Hoo Club are: President, William Stout, Stout Lumber Company; vice-president, A. P. Davis, Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau; secretary, Frank A. Rowe; directors, J. H. Jeffrey, Coos Bay Lumber Co.; R. T. Bourns, Stout Lumber Co., and H. J. Leaf, Coos Bay Lumber Co.; Vicegerent Snark, A. T. Lagerstrom.
"One earnest reader is trying to help in the conservation of timber by using the same toothpick twice."-\M. E. Cooper Lumber Co.'s "Ifardwood Shavings".
Hammond Breaks Unloading Record
With,five steamers berthed at their San Pedro docks on the 4th, the Hammond has established a record for unloading at this port.
The total footage for the five carriers u'as 14,000,000.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
The Lumberman says "nay"; So as we meet in joyous mood Remember still we prayThe days of auld lang syne, dear man, The days of auld lang syne; When boards were boards and yards rvere yards, In days of auld lang syne.
The lumbermen of auld lang syne Were that alone, you see; They just sat still and sold their stuff And gave no Service free. In days of auld lang syne, dear man, In days of auld lang syne, The lumber merchant knew no care In days of auld lang syne.
Now lumber yards are LUMBER STORES, With side lines thick as fleas. And lumber merchants work like heck And seldom sit at ease. So here's farewell to auld lang syne, Our modern ways are best, For boards and nails and shakes aie HOMES. And SERVICE, pep and zest.
San Diego Yards Incorporated
The Hofiman-Glasson Lumber Company, San Diego, has filed incorporation papers, announcing their capital stock as $250,000. Directors are \Arilliam J. Glasson, M. E. Glasson. Earl L. Hoffman and M. E. Hoffman.