4 minute read
General Plywood Company
Aggressive in California
Huge quantities of Seattle-made Hardwood Panels are being consumed in the California market, panels manufactured by the well known General Plywood Company.
This company is successor to the Emerwood Panel & Top Company, and has as a subsidiary organization, the General Furniture Company, also at Seattle.
Mr, Ray C. Anderson, Vice President and General Manager of the General Plywood Company, has just returned to Seattle after a two weeks' visit at Los Angeles and San Francisco, and has just announced their new Southern California representatives, the California Panel & Veneer Company of Los Angeles. The H. B. Maris Panel Company has been selling their products in Northern California for some time.
They manufacture hardwood panels exclusively, from all of the largely used commercial domestic and imported hardrvoods, and Mr. Anderson states that there are no better panels made than theirs. They use an Alder core, superior, in his opinion, to other woods, it being very light and with a tendency to stay absolutely straight.
The t'Trade Markt'-our new line of non-infammable lumber treated under the Somoza patents.
AIso "Somozided" Shingles-with all the popular shades of stainin fireproof liquids. Thinl( what THAT meana--our
Paint Factory
is now in operation, here in Los Angeles, and. we can supply fult lines of FIREPROOF PAINTS-the application of which creater a fire retardent surface on the wood covered.
Endorse Grade Marking
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 3.-Approximately 300 leading representatives of the lumber and building industries of the several cities in the eastern district of New York, at a banquet in the Ten Eyck Hotel in Albany, emphatically endorsed standardized and grade-marked lumber as recommended by Secretary of Commerce Hoover, approved the system of grade-marking employed by the Southern Pine Association and commended the association and the retail lumbermen for their efforts to establish this beneficial practice in this country. They also urged other groups of lumber producers to brand the quality o{ their product and pledged their aid toward establishing the movement in this section.
New San Pedro Yard Opens
Rossman Brothers have opened their new yard at San Pedro at Trventy-first and M^esa streets. Mr. it. L. Lee is manager.
Glendde, California,
November 4' 1925
California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Lor Angelee, Calif.
I want to expres to you my perronal appreciation of the wonderful way you took care of the publicity program of the California Lumber Dealerc Acsociation meeting held at Frerno. I think that not only myrelf, but every member of the asrociation felt the larne way.
With bect wisher for you, -
Your very truly, FOX-WOODSUM LBR. CO. FLF.d
Frank L. Fox
a job. It makes satisfied customers and keeps them satisfied-it's a profitable line to handle because its sales volume increases constantly.
You can satisfy . your customers with TripleSheath.
There are many Hardwood Shavings
In the Cooper Shavings bin, Gum, Ash, Birch, Elm and Hickory, Surface from Hardwoods fine and thin, They have served without any profit
To make your lumber smooth and light. Mahogany, Oak, \A/alnut and Maple, Piled in the Shavings House tight, Have added value to your home, ancl beautl'. l\taking your cost over softwoods light. For real service on your orders, Which we fill with careful pains. For the joy of prompt attentlon
Just phone our Mr. James. -W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.'s "Hardrvood Shavings."
Lumber Production For 1924
As the result of the annual canvass of forest products for 1924, compiled by the Bureau of the Census, Departmcnt of Commelce, in co-operation with the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, the production of lumber, lath and shingles in the United States is announced as follows: Luml>er, 35,930,986 thousand feet b.m., a decrease of 3.3 per cent, as compared wlth 1923 i lath, 2,961,200 thou sands, a decrease of 11 per cent; shingles, 6,862,385 thousands, a decrease of 8.6 per cent.
Of the 29 States, each of which reported the production of more than 150,000,000 feet of lumber in 1924, 19 showed a smaller cut than for 1923. The decrease was shared by all producing regions of the United States.
The two predominating woods were yellow pine and Douglas fir, which contributed 347 per cent and 20.8 per cent, respectively, of the total production for the year. Seven kinds of wood contributed more than 1,000,000,000 feet each to the total cut in 1924. Four of these shorved decreases and three increases as compared with the production for the previous year.

A clever four-page sheet called the "Axiom" has made its appearance among'the members of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club. It is the work of Secretary-Treasurer Charley LeMaster and besides sorne very good market information, contains a quantity of personal items about their members and other material.
The Independent Lumber Company's yard, excepting the Alhambra plant, has been sold to Patten & Davies of Los Angeles.
Curtis Cutter Loses Father
Mr. George H. Cutter, prominent in Sacramento business circles, and father of Mr. Curtis Cutter, manag'er of the Cutter Mill & Lumber Company, Sacramento, passed away at the family home on the second of this month. He d'ied suddenly from a heart attack.
Los Angeles Has New Nine
The newly appointed Vicegerent Snark of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo District, Phil B. Hart, having received his official appointment from Supreme Junior Hoo-Hoo Rod Henrickson, San Francisco, and the confirmation from Henry Isherwood at St. Louis, has just announced his appointments for the Nine, and the Committee chairmen. The Nine will consist of :
Snark. Phil B. Hart. California Lumber Merchant.
Senior Hoo-Hoo, Rollins A. Brown, Superior Oak Flg. Co.
Junior Hoo-Hoo, N. H. Parson, Ganahl Lbr. Co.
Jabberrvock, Leo J. Germain, Germain Lbr. Co.
Custocation, Walter J. Best, Sou. Cal. Hardwood & Mfg' Co.
Bojum, Walter Scrim, Kolambugan Lbr. & Dev. Co.
Gurdon, J. M. Buhler, Buhler Lbr. Co.
Arcanoper, W. W. Wilkinson, W. W. Wilkinson.
Scrivenoter, Harry V. Hansen, Cal. Panel & Veneer Co.
The new Snark has placed men who have never served before on the team and has selected a group of fine fellows, all of them hard wbrkers for the order.
Ed B. Culnan, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., will act as chairman of the Membership Committee; J. E. LloydJones, Owens Parks Lumber Co., Entertainment, and Frank J. Connolly, 'W'estern Hardwood Lumber Co., Initiation.
Photo Eabr3crncntr of
BIG IIMBER ilrr;HfS[i*""{'
Srw Mill Vicwr.
Priccr NOW: t5:30 ino 8450; ZlliSll in, $150; 1516|l in' S6.110; Zh60 or 3lhl0 in.,.$73L t:10 printr, SO pcr doMailed on Approval to Reeponribh Lunbermen
yet born a yedf aPdrt
Scl,ect uy picc of "Evcrlrrting" Hedrood Ftoring from oy vie-$oud bundle ud you rill 6nd it 6tl pcdcctly*sidc od cnd, any piocc frcn my orhcr buedL.
Skilted Gmd Rapidc craftrmcn "p"riti"g mrchis grugcd to rplit hair rcorey,-ud r ryrtcn of contiauoul impation Bue aret, unrybg unifom&.
JOHN D. CRESS, ,,itr Sevsnrh Avcnuc ttForert Fotognfe/t scattlc' werhlnstm 2$T