2 minute read
500 Redwood Prospects a Week
To Dealers Stocking Redwood
Dururg thb year millions of people are reading the story of "Cdifornia Redwood-it lasts!" Thousands write to us saying that they are interested. Every live prospect will get inforrtli. tion on Redwood, it's value to him.
Redwood Retail Yards get I ci.re' f.rlly compiled record of'these prospects -they are coming in at the rate of over 500 a week. In addition, tv€ supply a Sales Manual, a Redwood PIan Book, ttSilent Salesmenrtt Newspaper Mats, and a well worlh while Agricul' tural Service.
These bring business to your door, We invite your cooperation. Get in touch with the
Loa Angeler Metropottan Building
Frank Trower Returns From Northern Trip
Frank Trower, Trower Lumber Co., San Francisco. is back at his desk after a two weeks trip in the Northwest visiting his mill connections. He reporis that the mills are getting f?9y for their holiday shut-down which this year will probably extend from December 15 to January 15.- He also called on many of his lumbermen friends in ihe portland District.
, Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, left for New Orleans on November 4 to attend the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Convention at New Orleans which convened on November 11. Prior to the opening of the convention, there was a meeting of the varioui association secretaries of the country, held on November 10. She was accompanied by her husband Garnet Fraser on the trip.
D. A. Williamson anr\ounces that on December t he will open a new yard at Galt that will be called the D. A. Williamson Lumber Co. For the past five months he has been operating the D. A. Williamson Lumber Co. at Lockeford which yard he has sold. Mr. Williamson has followed the retail lumber business in Galt for many years and prior to his moving to Lockeford he was manager for the Midvalley Lumber Co. of Galt.
Will Please Gus Russell
-(From the Beverly Hills ,Citizen')
Preference is Show4 for Kiln-Dried Lumber
In an effort to determine whether or not Beverly Hills builders would welcome the use of kiln-dried lumber in preference to the green product, the Sun Lumber Company this week mailed out about 300 inquiries and has found that the majority are favorable toward the dried stock.
. "The additional price of the kiln-dried product is more than overbalanced by insurance against shrinkage, settling bu.ildings, cracking walls and earl! decay,,, E. C: jr-".on] tal_g:- m1n-"qer, said in commenting on the questionnaire.
Kiln-dried lumber has been used for *ariy vea., in the East, where rapid climatic changes take place, he pointed out, but has not been generally adopted in Catifornli.
P. C. McNevin, Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco. is on his bi-annual business trip to the east where he will visit their Chicago and Ne.lv- York offices. He will also spend a few weeks calling on their customers in the eastern territory.
Parson Simpkin And Fred Roth Return From Northern Tour
Chaplain Parson Simpkin and Fred Roth, state counsellor, have returned from a two rveeks, trip visiting with the various Hoo-Hoo Club and Hoo-Hoo members ii the pine and Redrvood districts. They report that Hoo-Hoo activities in the mill sections are very-active and that the Order throughout the state is in a prosperous condition.