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The Durabili of California Su ar Pin€,-
In California are still standing many of the houses built of California Sugal Piqe '-*.y back in"'49'\ E-xpbsure to summer's heat and drought, to wintet's heavy rains, have not harmed the lumber.3 3 : 3
It is for this durability that California Sugar Pine is famous. Its easy working, long straight grain and even texture commend it forsash anddoore andallmillwork 3 :
On hand stocks are now ample. Shipments can be made direct from our mills. : : Vrite for stock sheetE ahd pfice lista, shouing current pri"o and, on hand *oclw. 7 3
For Thbty Years Specbliriu in Home Oficc , *liforniL Sugar otrtYhit Pitt a
38ttr and Alameda Sreets LOS ANGELES, CAL
Mr. lumber Dealer and Mr. Hardwood User
Meet Mistres MAH0GANY
THIS TROPIGAL QUEEN in our yard cmer from Ccntral Amcrice and ttc Philippiner, An Aristocrat-cxclurlvclivcl alone or with mc conpanion on lartc tractr of land" Attdnr Sreat hcightb and girtt;
FINISH for Every Honrie
FIRST AND SECOND With the Furniture and Cabinet Makerc. Bcing earily workcd.
Har a magnificcnt FIGURE. Rich COLORING. lmprover with age.
Not a 'Gold Diggcr" But a Rearonable Hardwood
Give Her the Once Over at the Cooper Hardwood Yard
Come in and ^get acgudinted with the Cooper Herdwood Family.
Meet 'The Flapper.of the Frnil/' Next Issue.
51_6_Union Building