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Write Human Letters to Human Beings
There is one man in this business world of ours whom I don't even begin to understand, and whom I have alurays wanted to deliver a lecture to. So THIS is IT.
He is the man who, in his personal contact, is genial, kindly, interesting, enthusiastic -in short, very HUMAN; yet who writes business letters that read as though he were cold, wet, hungry, thirsty, dissappointed in love, and suffering frorn acute indigestion brought on by dnnking a cocaine highball with a dash of strychnine in it.
You know the gty I mean. We ALL know one orr two within our list of business acquaintances, if we have many hurnan beings to correspond with.
HOW he does it; WHY he does lt; or what he thinks about this cold-storage letterwriting shtnt, I have never been able to discovcr. "How does he get that way', is the slang phrase covering the cascthat r have ncver yet heard the answer to.
Frisk YOURSELF friend of minet Are YOU one of those so,rt o letter wniters? Make a careful inventory, because I feel sure that most men who have this failing are painfully ignorant of the fact thcmselves. They MUST be, or they wouldn't be that way.
Do YOU write HUMAN letters to human beings?
Do you let some warmth, interest, kindliness, geniality<reep into your business correspondence?
The fast is that you should rnake it your FIRST AIM in every letter that you write, regardless of how trivial or how important it may be, to put some warmrth, some color, some personality, some feeling, into it.
There isn't anphing better that you can possibly do for your own business than to invest some BRAINS in your letter writing.
There isn't anything that gives a new friend, a new prospec! or a new customcr, a worse irnpression ,of a man than to receive a letter that reads as though it were urritten in monosyllables by someone sitting on a cake of ice.
The next time you writc a letter, regardless of who it is addressed tq or what the subject, use a little thought in advance and see if you can't take some of the uniform, orthodox starchiness out of its constnrction; linrrber it up, color it up, change it arotrnd, and talk to the person addressed like you would if yotr mel him od thc .o*r, and uras grasping his hand.
No foolin't
A warm, friendly, honest smile-a warm, friendly, honest hand-clasp--and a warm, friendlS honest letter,-these are three of the greatest things a rnan can invest in his business.
And the man who relizes the value of the first two, and then writes cold-storage letters, simply needs a little shaking up in his thinking department.
Let THIS be IT.